General Properties
Use the General property page to specify the name and location of the Schedule+ Free/Busy Connector.
Note You can view but not change the computer name on which the Schedule+ Free/Busy Connector is installed. The computer name can be changed only in Control Panel.
Getting to the General property page
- In the Administrator window, choose the site where the Microsoft Mail Connector is installed.
- Double-click Recipients.
- Double-click Microsoft Schedule+ Free/Busy Connector (servername).
- Select the General tab.
Specifying the Display Name and Alias Name
A display name is the name you specify to appear in the Administrator window and in the Address Book.
- Select the General tab.
- In the Display name box, type a display name (up to 256 characters) for the Schedule+ Free/Busy Connector object.
The default is Microsoft Schedule+ Free/Busy Connector (servername).
- In the Alias name box, type an alias name for the Schedule+ Free/Busy Connector object.
This name must be AdminSch.
- In the Notes box, type any information (up to 1024 characters) that pertains to this object.
This information is visible only in the Administrator program.