Operations << >>

Address Space Properties

Use the Address Space property page to define the type and format of addresses used to identify messages to the Microsoft Mail system. Each entry is called an address space and contains only as much of the address as is necessary to distinguish messages that should be sent through the connector.

After the procedures for configuring the Microsoft Mail Connector interchange are complete, a default address space for MS Mail (AppleTalk) is automatically created. This new address space is designated as type MSA. No additional address information is specified. Messages destined for any MS Mail (AppleTalk) server will be processed by the Microsoft Mail Connector.

Getting to the Address Space property page

  1. In the Administrator window, choose the site where the Microsoft Mail Connector is installed, and choose Connections.
  2. Double-click MS Mail Connector.
  3. Select the Address Space tab.

For more information on address spaces and routing for MS Mail (AppleTalk) systems, see Microsoft Exchange Server Concepts and Planning.

Defining Additional Addressing and Routing Information

Use the Address Space property page to define additional addressing and routing information for this Microsoft Mail Connector. You can then specify which MS Mail (AppleTalk) servers are to be serviced by the Microsoft Mail Connector. For example, your site may have more than one instance of the Microsoft Mail Connector servicing multiple MS Mail (AppleTalk) servers. For each Microsoft Mail Connector, you can specify the address information of individual MS Mail (AppleTalk) servers to which you would like to route messages.

Note   When configuring the interchange, the Microsoft Mail Connector address space routes messages to all MS Mail (AppleTalk) servers by default. When connecting a single MS Mail (AppleTalk) server, no additional address space configuration is necessary.

  1. Select the Address Space tab.
  2. Choose New.
  3. Choose Other.
  4. In the Type box, type MSA for an MS Mail (AppleTalk) address space.
  5. In the Address box, type the address information.
  6. In the Cost box, type a routing cost.
  7. Choose OK to return to the Address Space property page.

Option Description
Address Enter address information using the Microsoft Mail (AppleTalk) server addressing format (accountname@servername). Wildcard characters can be used within the address space. For example, typing *@SALES matches MARK@SALES and MARIE@SALES. If you want all messages of the type MSA to be sent through this connector, leave this box empty.
Cost Enter a routing cost for messages sent through the connector at this address space. The default is 1.

Editing an Address Space

In some cases, an existing address space may require modification. You can edit the address space type, address format, and routing cost for the connector in the Address Space property page.

For example, you may want to restrict message delivery to a group of MS Mail (AppleTalk) servers. By editing the address format for specific servers, you can list only the servers maintained by the connector.

  1. Select the Address Space tab.
  2. Select an entry.
  3. Choose Edit.
  4. Make the appropriate changes.

For information on the MSA Properties dialog box options, see "Defining Additional Addressing and Routing Information" earlier in this chapter.

Removing an Address Space

You may need to remove an address space. For example, to modify routing
of an MS Mail (AppleTalk) server through another instance of a Microsoft Mail Connector, you can remove the server listing from one connector and add it to another.

  1. Select the Address Space tab.
  2. Select an entry.
  3. Choose Remove.