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Working with Address Book Views

After you set up Address Book views and their corresponding containers, you can move recipient objects between containers, change the properties of the Address Book view, delete Address Book views and their containers, and search Address Book views and their containers.

Moving Recipient Objects Between Address Book View Containers

When you move recipient objects between containers, the attribute that defined the recipient object in the original container is changed to the value of the attribute of the new container.

  1. In the Administrator window, select one or more recipient objects that you want to move.
  2. From the Tools menu, choose Add to Address Book View.
  3. In the Add dialog box, select the container that you want to move the recipient object to, or choose New Container to add a new empty container.
  4. Choose OK.

Adding a New Item to an Address Book View Container

You can add new recipient objects to an Address Book View container by changing the attribute value for that item. For example, if you have a container that groups items, and the Title attribute has a value of Mister, you can add a mailbox to that container by changing the Title attribute of any mailbox to Mister.

  1. In the Administrator window, choose Recipients.
  2. Double-click the recipient object you want to configure.
  3. Select the General tab.
  4. Change the attribute.

Customizing an Address Book View Hierarchy

You may want to change the way subcontainers are grouped for certain Address Book views. For example, if you have a container that groups items by country and subcontainers that group items by state and city, you may not want a state grouping in certain situations. For example, the country, state, and city groups work well for countries that have states, such as USA, Washington, Seattle. However, for countries, such as Greece, that do not have states, you would want only the city grouping. You can remove the state grouping in this instance so that Greece contains only a city grouping.

Note   Changing or deleting a container or subcontainer does not delete the recipient objects in that container. It removes only the container.

Use the following procedure to customize an address book view hierarchy.

  1. In the Administrator window, choose the Address Book View container you want to customize.
  2. From the File menu, choose Properties.
  3. Select the Group by tab.
  4. In the Sub-containers box, select an attribute.

Changing the Address Book View Display Name

You can change the display name of an Address Book view container. For example, if you have an Address Book view grouped by department name and one of your departments is called Human Resources, you may want the abbreviated name, HR, to appear in the Address Book.

  1. In the Administrator window, choose the Address Book View container for which you want to change properties.
  2. From the File menu, choose Properties.
  3. Select the General tab.
  4. Type a new display name.

Exporting Recipients from Address Book View Containers

You can export recipients from Address Book View containers by using the Directory Export command from the Tools menu in the Administrator window. However, the default set of attributes that are exported do not include the attributes that were used to create the Address Book view. To preserve Address Book view memberships when recipients are exported and then reimported, check the header line of your export .Csv file to verify that all Address Book view grouping attributes are included.

For more information on importing and exporting files, see Microsoft Exchange Server Maintenance and Troubleshooting.

Restricting Address Book Views for Anonymous Users

If your Microsoft Exchange Server allows anonymous user access, you can use Address Book views to choose which addresses anonymous users can see. For example, if you are hosting multiple companies on a single Microsoft Exchange Server, you can create a fictitious company called Help, and make only the Help container accessible to anonymous users.

Before you can restrict Address Book Views for anonymous users, you must enable a Microsoft Windows NT account for anonymous access in your site.

Complete the following procedures to enable a Microsoft Windows NT account for anonymous access:

  1. In the Administrator window, choose the Address Book View container that you want to assign anonymous Search permission to, and then choose Configuration.
  2. Double-click DS Site Configuration.
  3. Select the General tab, and then choose Anonymous Account.

Complete the following procedures to restrict an Address Book view for anonymous access:

  1. In the Administrator window, double-click Address Book Views.
  2. Select the Address Book View container that you want to allow anonymous users to access.
  3. From the File menu, choose Properties.
  4. Select the Permissions tab.
  5. Under the Windows NT accounts with permissions box, choose Add.
  6. Select the Windows NT user or the group associated with the specified Address Book View container that you want to assign anonymous Search permission to.
  7. Choose Add, and then choose OK.
  8. In the Roles box, choose Search.

Deleting an Address Book View

You can delete an Address Book view even if the Address Book View containers still contain recipient objects. Only the Address Book view is deleted, not the items that appear in the Address Book View containers.

  1. In the Administrator window, choose the Address Book view that you want to delete.
  2. From the Edit menu, choose Delete.

Setting Up Large Address Book Views

Calculating the membership for an Address Book view with a large number of containers (more than 1,000) puts a heavy load on the server. You can improve server performance during these calculations by limiting the number of new containers created during each stage of the calculation. You do this by adding the following REG_DWORD key to the registry:

MSExchangeDS\Parameters\ABV max new containers

Calculation stops for five minutes after creating the specified number of new Address Book view containers. The default is 500.

Note   Address Book views with large numbers of Address Book View containers can cause Windows® 16-bit e-mail clients to stop responding because they do not have enough memory to cache the entire Address Book View container hierarchy.