Migration | << | >> |
This section covers the guidelines you should follow in order to use the source extractor most efficiently.
Process users in small batches. The allowable number is difficult to predict due to the number of variables involved. Start with batches of 100 or fewer users. If you are using Digital ALL-IN-1 version 2.3, start with batches of 50.
Note The source extractor can't process more than 950 users per batch.
If you select a user who has already been migrated, the source extractor processes the user again and logs when the previous process occurred. Use the comments in the script file EX_BUILD.SCP to alter the script to ignore already-processed users' accounts. The comment is:
!!! Insert a .GOTO USERS_LOOP here to avoid re-processing a user
You can run multiple instances of the source extractor concurrently, provided that you're not trying to process the same user at the same time.
The source extractor is set up for systems that are running DECnet and Message Router, and has the associated logical names defined. If your system is not running these programs, the system mailbox name defaults to A1, and the node name defaults to THEVAX.
To override the defaults manually, assign the following values to permanent symbols:
<GET $EX_NODE = "local choice of node name"
<GET $EX_MAILBX = "local choice of mailbox name"
where A2 represents $EX_MAILBX, and OURSYS represents $EX_NODE
The following migration files are created.There is one primary and one secondary file for each account.
File | Description |
mmddhhmm.PKL | Packing list file ¾ Names all files in a batch. |
mmddhhmm.PRI | Primary intermediate file ¾ Lists accounts processed and secondary files. |
mmddhhmm.LOG | Log file ¾ Shows running status of a migration batch. |
mmddhhmm.nnn | Secondary file ¾ Contents for a given account. |
Note mmddhhmm is based on the month, day, hour, and minute that the EX_MENU command was invoked, and nnn is a sequentially assigned number starting with 001.
The following procedure explains how to extract information.
Caution Make sure that users you're migrating aren't using ALL-IN-1. Otherwise, files may be locked.
Microsoft Exchange Server Migration Source Extractor for ALL-IN-1
Migration Batch Name: ________ Program generated (MMDDHHMM)
Accounts or Control File: _________________________________ Optional
Create Mailbox List?: _ (Y/N)
Create Nickname Document?: _ (Y/N)
Include Documents?: _ (Y/N)
Restrict To One Folder: ______________________________ (Folder Name)
Earliest Document Date: ___________ (MM/DD/YY or DD-Mmm-YYYY)
Latest Document Date: ___________ (MM/DD/YY or DD-Mmm-YYYY)
Include Calendar Items?: _ (Y/N)
Earliest Calendar Item Date: ___________ (MM/DD/YY or DD-Mmm-YYYY)
Latest Calendar Item Date: ___________ (MM/DD/YY or DD-Mmm-YYYY)
Migration Batch Name This field is automatically generated, based on the date and time when the EX_MENU command was invoked, or the last time a migration process finished since entering the menu. If a number has already been assigned, the number is incremented by 1 until a unique number is found and assigned. This number is the basis for all file naming for the migration batch: it is the file name for the primary file, all secondary files, the packing list file, the log file, and the temporary work files used during the process.
Accounts and Control File Use this field to specify an Accounts or Control File. The file must be an existing VMS file in the same directory as the source extractor. You can only specify one of these fields; they are mutually exclusive. The extractor looks at the first line of the file to determine if it is a valid user name, in which case the file is treated as an accounts file. Otherwise, the extractor considers the file to be a control file.
A control file specifies the name and path of a related accounts file, and any parameters. All other input on this screen is ignored. The parameters specified in the control file or default values are used.
The following tags are supported in control files for the Digital ALL-IN-1 extractor: Accounts, Mailbox, Email, Schedule, EmailStart, EmailEnd, SchedStart, SchedEnd, and Folder. The Folder tag is for the Restrict to One Folder option. For more details on control files, see Appendix C.
The tags PAB, File, Public, Logfile, and Loglevel are not supported.
If you do not specify an accounts or control file, specify the parameters on this form. Leave a field blank to specify the default value. The next screen is an account selection form. Select the accounts to process in this batch.
Create Mailbox List This field can have a value of Y or N (this is automatically localized for foreign systems). Choose Y to create a directory section in the primary file, which is used to create mailboxes in Microsoft Exchange Server. Choose N to omit the directory section.
Create Nicknames Document This Y or N field specifies whether to convert each user's nickname file to a mail message and migrate it into their Inbox on the Microsoft Exchange Server. An example of the message created by this process follows.
Nicknames from your ALL-IN-1 account:
Include Documents Field This Y or N field specifies whether to process the users' Digital ALL-IN-1 file cabinets. Choose Y to process the users' mail messages, word-processing documents, and personal distribution lists for migration. Choose N to omit this processing.
Restrict to One Folder Use this field to specify one folder to process from each user's Digital ALL-IN-1 file cabinet. The folder must be created in the Main drawer. Only documents that meet the other selection criteria (date range and not a dictionary) are processed. If the folder does not exist, only INBOX documents are processed for that user. If this field is blank, all eligible documents in the users' file cabinets are processed. The users' INBOX folder is processed regardless of this field.
Earliest and Latest Document Date Use these fields to specify a date range of documents to process. These fields are only evaluated if the Include Documents Field contains a Y. If you do not want to filter documents by date, specify a very old early date and a future latest date. Entries such as TODAY, YESTERDAY, TOMORROW, EOM, TODAY -3Y, and TODAY +30D are correctly interpreted.
Include Calendar Items Use this field to specify whether to process users' ALL-IN-1 events. Choose Y to format the users' event data in Schedule+ import form and place it into the intermediate files for migration. Choose N to omit the users' events from processing.
Earliest and Latest Calendar Item Date Use these fields to specify a date range filter for processing event data. These fields are handled in the same manner as the Earliest and Latest Document Date Fields.
Use the arrow keys to move the pointer to the desired account, and then press the SELECT key.
- or -
Type line numbers and ranges, and then press the SELECT key.
To begin processing, type ex.
Note Depending on the number of accounts selected and the size of the affected file cabinets, the MIG option could take several hours to complete.
Your next step is to import the migration files by using the Migration Wizard. For more information, see Chapter 2, "Using the Migration Wizard," or online Help for the Migration Wizard.