Microsoft Chat Server Development Guide


The following table shows examples of scenarios that are possible using the Chat Server Extensibility SDK.

Extension scenario Description
Custom logging This extension might monitor server, channel, and user events and log those events to a file or database. For a Visual Basic example of such an extension, see LogMonitor Sample.

Language monitor This extension prevents channels that contain "illegal" topic strings from being created, and either automatically disconnects users who use foul language, or obscures inappropriate text with a string of asterisks. For an example of this kind of extension, see MsgFilter Sample.

News service This extension might monitor a news or stock feed, and immediately forward this information as text to a specific channel. Access to the feed could be controlled by security entries on the channel, which would allow the supplier to charge for receiving the feed.

Nickname registrar This extension monitors logons and nickname changes and allows users to reserve their favorite names within the server. Users who attempt to change their nickname to a reserved name are asked to choose another one.

Topic modifier This extension only permits valid ASCII characters to be present in a channel topic. All other characters are removed when the channel is created. For a Visual Basic example of such an extension, refer to MangleTopic Sample.

For a complete list of examples of chat server extensions, see Sample Extensions.

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