Microsoft Chat Server SDK Reference


This interface allows the extension to be installed and initialized by the chat server.


Name Type Access
Name String Read-only


Init Called as chat server service is starting, or when the extension is first installed onto a running server.
OnConfigureExtension Allows the user to perform real-time configuration using the IRC/IRCX protocol.
OnGetPropertyPageClass Retrieves the object identifier of the component that supports property pages for this extension.
OnInstall Called as extension is being installed.
OnUninstall Called as extension is being uninstalled.
Term Called as chat server service is stopping, or prior to removal from a running server.


The IChatExtensionCallBack interface must be implemented by chat server extensions.

The extension must also support the ISpecifyPropertyPages interface if it provides property page setup. This interface is used by the chat extension administrator application. See Supporting Property Pages.

Extension writers must be aware that Name and OnGetPropertyPageClass can be called from a different instance of the extension. Therefore, do not assume that Init or OnInstall will be called before Name or OnGetPropertyPageClass is called.

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