Microsoft Chat Server SDK Reference


This method allows an extension to receive custom text directly from an IRC user.


HRESULT OnConfigureExtension(
   IChatUser *User,
   BSTR Command);
Visual Basic:
Sub IChatExtensionCallBack_OnConfigureExtension( _
   ByVal User As CHATSVCLib.IChatUser, _
   ByVal Command As String)


Reference to a ChatUser object representing the user that sent the protocol message.
String representing protocol message.


The OnConfigureExtension method is called in response to a server protocol message directed to this extension. This allows a specific extension to receive configuration requests directly from any IRC user client, not just those attached to the local server. Configuration protocol messages are propagated to all servers on the chat network.

The protocol message "/EXTMSG MyExtension COMMAND STRING" will cause the extension named "MyExtension" to receive the text "MyExtension COMMAND STRING."

The extension must not display any user interface or request user interaction as a result of this method been called. However, responses can be returned to the IRC/IRCX user with ChatUser.ProtocolMessageOut.

Property pages can also call this method directly by getting the IChatExtensionCallBack interface using the following syntax:

Dim myExt As CHATSVCLib.IChatExtensionCallback
Set myExt = ChatServer.Configuration.ChatExtensions("MyExtension").Instance

For more information, see Supporting Property Pages.

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