JoinChannel Method

JoinChannel Method


Allows the user to join an existing channel or create a new channel.


object.JoinChannel [ChannelName][, ChannelKeyword]

object Required. An object expression that evaluates to a Channel object.
ChannelName Optional. A variant that contains the Name of the channel. If specified, the ChannelName variant must be empty or a string that is a valid channel Name. If the parameter is empty or not specified, the current value of the ChannelName property is used instead.
ChannelKeyword Optional. A variant. If specified, this variant must be empty or a string. If the parameter is empty or not specified, the control tries to join the channel without using a Keyword.


The channel state must be chsClosed for the call to succeed, and the channel must belong to the collection for the call to be successful.

A JoinChannel call results in the same kind of events as a CreateChannel call.

At creation time, the state of the created channel is chsClosed. Then, when calling its JoinChannel or CreateChannel method, the state becomes asynchronously chsOpening and chsOpen. It becomes chsClosed again when the user leaves the channel or is kicked from the channel, or when a server disconnection occurs.


'Specifies the ChannelName and ChannelKeyword
MsChatPr1.Channels(lIndex).JoinChannel "#MyRoom", "SecretPassword"

'Specifies only the ChannelName
MsChatPr1.Channels(lIndex).JoinChannel "#MyRoom"

See Also

ChannelName, ChannelState, enumChannelState, OnChannelState, OpeningChannels

KickMember Method


Kicks a member from the channel.


object.KickMember MemberNickname[, Reason]

object Required. An object expression that evaluates to a Channel object.
MemberNickname Required. A string expression that must be a valid member nickname from the channel.
Reason Optional. A string expression containing the reason for kicking the user from the channel.


MsChatPr1.Channels(2).KickMember "WadeR", "Bad behavior!"

chan11.KickMember "WadeR"

See Also

Nickname, OnMemberKicked

LeaveChannel Method


Closes the current channel.



object Required. An object expression that evaluates to a Channel object.


The channel state must be chsOpen for the call to be successful.

Leaving a channel does not remove it from the Channels collection. The user can reuse the same Channel object to join and leave several channels sequentially.

A successful LeaveChannel call results in an OnChannelState event.



See Also


ListMembers Method


Lists the members of the channel.


object.ListMembers MemberQueryItems

object Required. An object expression that evaluates to a Channel object.
MemberQueryItems Required. An object expression that evaluates to a ChatItems object.

The MemberQueryItems parameter is currently unused. It is present for backward compatibility in the future.


Future releases of the protocol might include some method of narrowing the member listing. In this case the MemberQueryItems parameter would come into use. Currently neither the IRC nor the IRCX protocols offer any member-listing criteria.


Dim mqi As ChatItems
chan.ListMembers mqi

See Also

OnMemberProperty, QueryMemberProperty

QueryChannelProperty Method


Asynchronously accesses a channel property.


object.QueryChannelProperty ChannelPropertyName

object Required. An object expression that evaluates to a Channel object.
ChannelPropertyName Required. A string that contains one of the valid values shown in the following table.
protocol only    protocols
Account BannedList
ClientData Keyword
ClientGuid MaxMemberCount
CloneList MemberCount
CreationTime   Modes
HostKey Name
Lag Topic


A successful QueryChannelProperty call results in an OnChannelProperty event where the ChannelItems parameter exposes all the known channel properties.


chan.QueryChannelProperty "Account"

chan.QueryChannelProperty "MaxMemberCount"

See Also

ChannelName, ListChannels, MemberCount

QueryMemberProperty Method


Asynchronously requests a member property.


object.QueryMemberProperty MemberPropertyName[, MemberNickname]

object Required. An object expression that evaluates to a Channel object.
MemberPropertyName Required. A string containing one of the following valid member property name values.
ObjectId (IRCX protocol only)
MemberNickname Optional. A string expression. If specified, this parameter must be an empty variant or a valid channel member nickname. If omitted or empty, the nickname of the caller is used.


A successful call results in an OnMemberProperty event where the MemberItems parameter exposes all the known member properties.


MsChatPr1.Channels.Item(3).QueryMemberProperty "Identity", "DerrickL"

MsChatPr1.Channels.Item(3).QueryMemberProperty "Modes"

See Also

enumMemberMode, MemberIdentity, MemberProperty

SendInvitation Method


Invites a user to the channel.


object.SendInvitation Nickname

object Required. An object expression that evaluates to a Channel object.
Nickname Required. A string expression that contains the invited user's Nickname.


The invited user gets an OnInvitation event.


MsChatPr1.Channels(5).SendInvitation "EuniceM"

The previous example is equivalent to:


SendMessage Method


Sends text or data messages to the channel or members of the channel.


object.SendMessage MessageType, Message[, RecipientNicknames][, DataMessageTag]

object Required. An object expression that evaluates to a Channel object.
MessageType Required. A long integer that is a combination of some of the enumMessageType enumeration values. The valid MessageType values are:
msgtData + msgtDataRaw
msgtDataRequest + msgtDataRaw
msgtAction + msgtNormal
msgtSound + msgtNormal
msgtCTCP + msgtNormal
msgtAction + msgtNotice
msgtSound + msgtNotice
msgtCTCP + msgtNotice
msgtAction + msgtWhisper
msgtSound + msgtWhisper
msgtCTCP + msgtWhisper

The msgtNotice, msgtData, msgtDataRequest, msgtDataReply, and msgtWhisper values are mutually exclusive.

The msgtData, msgtDataRequest, msgtDataReply, msgtAction, msgtSound, and msgtCTCP values are mutually exclusive.

The msgtDataRaw, msgtAction, msgtSound, and msgtCTCP values are mutually exclusive.

Message Required. A variant containing the actual message to send. It can be a string, a number, an array of strings, an array of numbers, or an array of variants that can be strings and numbers. The variant types allowed for those numbers are:

When sending data and the msgtDataRaw flag is not set, the control packages the Message variant into an array of bytes. An internal header is used to notify the recipient(s) that the message originates from an MsChatPr control.

When the msgtDataRaw flag is also set, the Message variant can only be a postprocessed string, a byte, an array of bytes, or an array of variants that are bytes.

A postprocessed string is a string that was modified using the regular conversion scheme, as shown in the following table.
Character    Becomes string
'\0' "\0"
'\' "\\"
'\n' "\n"
'\r' "\r"
'\t' "\t"
' ' "\b"
',' "\c"

When sending raw data, the control simply converts the Message parameter into a postprocessed string without using an internal header. This way all clients can handle the data message.

RecipientNicknames Optional. A variant. Can be missing, an empty variant, or an empty string to send the message to the channel. Otherwise it can be a string, an array of strings, or an array of variants that are strings to send the message to designated channel members.

On IRC servers, there is no method to send a message to specific channel members, so the RecipientNicknames parameter must always be empty or missing.

On IRCX servers, the RecipientNicknames parameter can always specify one or more recipients, or it can be empty.

When msgtWhisper is used, the parameter must specify one or more recipients. The recipient list is exposed to the recipients only when using the msgtWhisper type.

DataMessageTag Optional. A variant. For IRCX servers only. This parameter is used only when sending data (that is, the msgtData, msgtDataRequest, or msgtDataReply flag is set). If sending data, this parameter must be a non-empty string. In all other cases, this parameter must be empty or missing.


1. Send a regular string to the channel:

MsChatPr1.Channels(4).SendMessage msgtNormal, "Hi there!"

2. Send a notice to the channel:

chan3.SendMessage msgtNotice, "Bye now!"

3. Send an action to the channel (CTCP action):

chanobj.SendMessage msgtAction, "is eating couscous...."

4. Send a sound to the channel (CTCP sound):

MsChatPr1.Channels.Item(2).SendMessage msgtSound, "couscous.wav Isn't that cool?"

5. Send a CTCP message to the channel:

MsChatPr1.Channels(3).SendMessage msgtCTCP, "FINGER"

6. Send text to a channel member:

chanobj.SendMessage msgtNormal, "I'm an alien spy, and U?", "SharonL"

7. Send a notice to several channel members:

Dim strRecipients(1 To 3) As String

strRecipients(1) = "ColeenS"
strRecipients(2) = "DerrickL"
strRecipients(3) = "EuniceM"
chanobj.SendMessage msgtNotice, "I'm a spy, too...", strRecipients
Dim vRecipients(1 To 3) As Variant

vRecipients(1) = "ColeenS"
vRecipients(2) = "DerrickL"
vRecipients(3) = "EuniceM"
chanobj.SendMessage msgtNotice, "I'm a spy, too...", vRecipients

8. Send an action to several channel members:

Dim strRecipients(1 To 3) As String

strRecipients(1) = "ColeenS"
strRecipients(2) = "DerrickL"
strRecipients(3) = "EuniceM"
chanobj.SendMessage msgtAction, "is eating macaroni and cheese....", strRecipients
Dim vRecipients(1 To 3) As Variant

vRecipients(1) = "ColeenS"
vRecipients(2) = "DerrickL"
vRecipients(3) = "EuniceM"
chanobj.SendMessage msgtAction, "is eating macaroni and cheese....", vRecipients

9. Whisper text to a channel member:

chanobj.SendMessage msgtWhisper, "I'm an alien spy, and U?", "SharonL"

10. Whisper text to channel members:

Dim strRecipients(1 To 3) As String

strRecipients(1) = "SteveL"
strRecipients(2) = "WadeR"
strRecipients(3) = "Eldon"
chanobj.SendMessage msgtWhisper, "I'm a spy, too...", strRecipients
Dim vRecipients(1 To 3) As Variant

vRecipients(1) = "Charlotte"
vRecipients(2) = "Zorg"
vRecipients(3) = "Arthur"
chanobj.SendMessage msgtWhisper, "I'm a cook, too...", vRecipients

11. Send a string as data to the channel:

chanobj.SendMessage msgtData, "And a painter as well.", , "_FOO_"

12. Send a number to channel members:

Dim vRecipients(1 To 3) As Variant

vRecipients(1) = "Charlotte"
vRecipients(2) = "Zorg"
vRecipients(3) = "Arthur"
chanobj.SendMessage msgtData, 1156, vRecipients, "X"

13. Send an array of numbers to the channel:

Dim iValues(1 To 4) As Integer

iValues(1) = 10
iValues(2) = -22
iValues(3) = 123
iValues(4) = 0

chanobj.SendMessage msgtData, iValues, , "COORD"
Dim vValues(1 To 4) As Variant

vValues(1) = 10
vValues(2) = -22
vValues(3) = 123
vValues(4) = 0

chanobj.SendMessage msgtData, vValues, , "COORD"

14. Send an array of strings to a channel member:

Dim strValues(1 To 4) As String

strValues(1) = "Blue"
strValues(2) = "Green"
strValues(3) = "Red"
strValues(4) = "White"

chanobj.SendMessage msgtData, strValues, "Arthur", "COLORS"
Dim vValues(1 To 4) As Variant

vValues(1) = "Blue"
vValues(2) = "Green"
vValues(3) = "Red"
vValues(4) = "White"

chanobj.SendMessage msgtData, vValues, "Arthur", "COLORS"

15. Send an array of variants to the channel:

Dim vValues(5 To 10) As Variant

vVariant(5) = Now
vVariant(6) = "Your turn to play...."
vVariant(7) = -10
vVariant(8) = 5
vVariant(9) = -12.689
vVariant(10) = 9876582146

chanobj.SendMessage msgtData, vValues, , "TheHugeOne"

16. Send raw data to the channel:

'A postprocessed string

chanobj.SendMessage msgtData+msgtDataRaw,_
      "dhe\rotk\\nsk\0k45v\0zxa\\v", , "ProcessedString"

'One byte

Dim byt As Byte
byt = 56
chanobj.SendMessage msgtData+msgtDataRaw, byt, , "OneByte"

'An array of bytes

Dim rgBytes(1 To 3) As Byte

rgBytes(1) = 15
rgBytes(2) = 98
rgBytes(3) = 2
chanobj.SendMessage msgtData+msgtDataRaw,_
    rgBytes, , "ArrayOfBytes"

'An array of Variants that are bytes

Dim vByt(1 To 3) As Variant
vByt(1) = CByte(15)
vByt(2) = CByte(98)
vByt(3) = CByte(2)
chanobj.SendMessage msgtData+msgtDataRaw,_
      vByt, , "ArrayOfVariants"

See Also

enumMessageType, OnMessage

Channels Collection Object

The Chat Protocol control Channels collection object is a standard Visual Basic collection object and uses the standard Add and Remove methods and the Item and Count properties.

This section lists the methods and properties supported by the Channels collection object.


Add, Remove


Count, Item


This section describes the properties associated with the Channels collection object.

Count Property


Accesses the number of Channel objects in the Channels collection.



value Required. A long integer that contains the number of Channel objects in the Channels collection.
object Required. An object expression that evaluates to a Channels collection object.


Access is read-only.


Dim lChannelCount As Long

lChannelCount = MsChatPr1.Channels.Count

Dim coll As Channels

Set coll = MsChatPr1.Channels
lChannelCount = coll.Channels.Count

See Also


Item Property


Accesses a channel in the collection. This is the default property of the Channels collection.



value Required. An object expression that evaluates to a Channel object.
object Required. An object expression that evaluates to a Channels collection object.
Index Optional. A variant. The channel index is 1-based. If no Index parameter is specified or if it is an empty variant, the channel with the highest index is returned by the Item property.

The Index parameter can also be a string that represents the unique channel key specified at creation time in the Add method.


Access is read-only.

Because Item is the default property of the Channels collection, the keyword "Item" can be omitted.


MsChatPr1.Channels.Add 1, "One"
MsChatPr1.Channels.Add 2, "Two"
MsChatPr1.Channels.Add 3, "Three"
MsChatPr1.Channels.Add 4, "Four"

Dim c As Channel

Set c = MsChatPr1.Channels.Items(4)
    'is equivalent to
Set c = MsChatPr1.Channels(4)
    'is equivalent to
Set c = MsChatPr1.Channels("Four")
    'is equivalent to
Set c = MsChatPr1.Channels.Item

Dim coll As Channels
Dim chan1, chan2 As Channel

Set coll = MsChatPr1.Channels

Set chan1 = coll.Add(1, "Foo")
Set chan2 = coll.Item(1)

See Also



This section describes the methods associated with the Channels collection object.

Add Method


Adds a Channel object to the Channels collection.


value=object.Add[(Index][, Key)]

value Required. An object expression that evaluates to a Channel object. This will contain the newly added Channel object.
object Required. An object expression that evaluates to a Channels collection object.
Index Optional. A variant. If specified, it must be empty or a valid index that is a number between 1 and the current collection Count + 1.
Key Optional. A variant. If specified, it must be empty or a unique string that will identify the new Channel object.


Dim chan1, chan2 As Channel

Set chan1 = MsChatPr1.Channels.Add(1, "Questions")
Set chan2 = MsChatPr1.Channels.Add(2, "Answers")


MsChatPr1.Channels.Add , "Aud"

MsChatPr1.Channels.Add 5

See Also


Remove Method


Removes a Channel object from the Channels collection.


object.Remove Index

object Required. An object expression that evaluates to a Channels collection object.
Index Required. A variant. Index can be a number between 1 and the current collection Count, or the unique channel key.


MsChatPr1.Channels.Remove 4

MsChatPr1.Channels.Remove "Aud"

See Also


ChatItems Object

The Chat Protocol control supports sophisticated querying through the ChatItems object. These queries relate to the Server, Channel, a Member, or a User. Usually the information provided by the server is exposed to the developer through the ChatItems object.

This section lists the properties and method supported by the ChatItems object.


AssociatedType, Item, ItemValid, ValidItems



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