Operations << >>

Settings Properties

Use the Settings property page to specify whether the Microsoft Exchange Server dirsync requestor will send address updates, receive address updates, or both from the MS Mail directory server. You can also specify whether to send and receive address template information during directory synchronization.

Getting to the Settings property page

  1. In the Administrator window, choose Connections.
  2. Double-click the dirsync requestor.
  3. Select the Settings tab.

Configuring Dirsync Requestor Settings

Use the Settings property page to configure advanced directory synchronization functions.

Note   If you are starting directory synchronization for the first time, all local directory information is automatically exported, and all available information from the directory synchronization server is automatically imported.

  1. Select the Settings tab.
  2. In the Dirsync password box, type a password for this directory requestor if required. This password must be the same as the password on the MS Mail dirsync server.
  3. Under Participation, select or clear options.
  4. Under Template information, select or clear options.
  5. Under Dirsync information, select or clear options.

Option Description
Dirsync password A password for this directory requestor. Using a password for
a dirsync requestor is optional. If used, you must also set the password on the dirsync server.
Send updates If selected, allows this dirsync requestor to send address updates to the dirsync server.
Receive updates If selected, allows this dirsync requestor to request address updates from the dirsync server.
Send local
template information
If selected, you must configure template mappings in the directory synchronization object.
Receive template
If selected, you must configure template mappings in the directory synchronization object.
Import on next cycle Requests every address available on the directory synchronization server to be imported during the next directory synchronization cycle.
Export on next cycle Sends every address available on the dirsync requestor during the next directory synchronization cycle.

For more information on configuring template mappings on the Dirsync object, see "Directory Synchronization Configuration" later in this chapter.