Operations << >>

Removing X.400 Connectors

You can temporarily stop the flow of messages by reconfiguring the X.400 Connector, or you can stop message transfer permanently by deleting the X.400 Connector or transport stack.

To remove the X.400 Connector, complete the following procedures:

  1. Notify users on both systems that the connection is being removed.
  2. Prevent new messages from being routed to the connector by selecting Never in the Schedule property page.

  3. Note   If messages are addressed to a foreign system serviced by a connector with a scheduled connection time set to Never, the message remains in the queue until it expires or the connection is restored.
  4. Allow sufficient time for queued messages to be transmitted.
  5. You can initiate immediate transmission of queued messages by temporarily selecting Always in the Schedule property page.
  6. Stop the X.400 Connector by removing all entries in the Address Space property page.

  7. Note   Messages sent to a destination address that has been deleted are returned to the sender as non-deliverable.
  8. Delete the X.400 Connector from the organization hierarchy in the Administrator window.

  9. Note   All settings for this X.400 Connector are discarded.
  10. Stop the Microsoft Exchange Server or foreign system MTA from connecting or transmitting messages to the local Microsoft Exchange Server by using the configuration utility in the other site or foreign system.
  11. Remove the MTA transport stack software and hardware from both the Microsoft Exchange Server and foreign X.400 system.

  12. Caution   Removing a Microsoft Exchange Server MTA transport stack immediately deletes all X.400 Connectors using that stack and also deletes all messages in that X.400 Connector's queue.