Operations << >>

General Properties

Use the General property page to add or modify the remote MTA name and password, define the Microsoft Exchange Server MTA transport stack, specify whether to use word wrap, and enable rich text in outgoing messages.

Getting to the X.400 Connector General property page

  1. In the Administrator window, choose Connections.
  2. Double-click the X.400 Connector to be modified, or follow the procedures in this chapter to install a new connector.
  3. Select the General tab.

Specifying the Connector Name

Use the General property page to define a name for this X.400 Connector. The directory name cannot be changed once it is entered.

  1. Select the General tab.
  2. Type the directory name and the display name.

Option Description
Display name Type the name (up to 255 alphanumeric characters) that will be displayed for the connector in the Administrator window.
This name is not case-sensitive.
Directory name Type an informative, descriptive name (up to 64 alphanumeric characters) for the connector. This permanent name identifies the connector in the directory and is used in event log messages. You can modify this name only when creating a new connector. This name is not case-sensitive.

Adding or Modifying the Remote MTA Name and Password

Use the General property page to change the name and password for the remote MTA. The name of the remote MTA of another Microsoft Exchange Server computer is found in the General property page of the MTA for that server.

  1. Select the General tab.
  2. Type the name and password of the remote MTA.

Option Description
Remote MTA name Type a name up to 32 characters. This name is not
Remote MTA password Type a name up to 64 characters. This name is

Specifying the Remote MTA Transport Stack

The MTA transport stack is used to provide a network connection between two sites or between a site and a foreign X.400 system. You can use an MTA transport stack installed on any computer in your site running the Microsoft Exchange Server. Messages are automatically routed through the server where the MTA transport stack is installed.

Note   If the MTA transport stack you want to use does not appear in this list, you must install it or verify that information about an installed stack has been replicated to this server before attempting this procedure.

  1. Select the General tab.
  2. In the MTA transport stack box, select the MTA transport stack you want to use with this connector. The default is an alphabetic list of the available transport stacks for this connector type.

Configuring Message Text Word-wrap

You can indicate whether to insert a carriage return at a specific column in outgoing message text.

  1. Select the General tab.
  2. Under Message text word-wrap, select an option.

Option Description
Never Disables word wrapping.
At column Specifies the column where a carriage return will be inserted.

Enabling Rich Text for MAPI Client Recipients

You can configure the X.400 Connector to send outbound messages with rich text characters such as bold, color, and italic. Rich text also provides the ability to position attachments. Rich text is a feature that should be used only when the recipient client software is Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) compliant.

Note   If you do not select the Remote clients support MAPI check box, attachments will be sent to the foreign system with the message. Rich text, icons, and attachment location within the text are discarded before message transfer. If you select this option and the foreign system does not support MAPI, the foreign system displays an extra attachment called Winmail.dat.

  1. Select the General tab.
  2. Select or clear the Remote clients support MAPI check box.

Option Description
Remote clients support MAPI Select to send rich text and other MAPI characteristics
with messages. MAPI clients support the rich text features
in Microsoft Exchange Server. This is the default.
  Clear when e-mail clients in the foreign system do not support rich text. Rich text and other MAPI characteristics are discarded before the message is sent.