Migration | << | >> |
There are several ways to connect Verimation MEMO to Microsoft Exchange Server. The MEMO Source Extractor migrates MEMO addresses by using the SNADS format. If you use another type of connection (such as X.400 or SMTP), you need to enter addresses manually. For more information about installation, refer to the appropriate manuals.
Using X.400, connection requires:
If you are connecting MS Mail to SNADS, connection on the mainframe requires:
The following sections discuss addressing issues when connecting Microsoft Exchange Server to SNADS, by using the IMI Computing Connect-ME. Using this gateway, connection on the mainframe requires:
For a MEMO sender to address a Microsoft Exchange Server recipient, you must give the recipient an 8-byte memo-ID (or DEN) and an 8-byte group name (or DGN), which together are known as the SNADS e-mail address.
Recipients do not have to be registered in MEMO, because MEMO routes by using the SNADS e-mail address. However, the recipient must be registered in the Microsoft Exchange Server directory, with the SNADS e-mail address.
The MEMO sender doesn't have to be registered in the Microsoft Exchange Server directory to be able to send messages to or receive replies from Microsoft Outlook or MS Mail recipients. However, the MEMO sender must be registered in the Microsoft Exchange Server directory in order to receive replies from SMTP or X.400 recipients.
To send messages to MEMO recipients, users must be registered in the Microsoft Exchange Server directory, with SNADS e-mail addresses. Therefore, when the SNADS gateway is installed, you should assign SNADS e-mail addresses to all users in the Microsoft Exchange Server directory. Also, after the SNADS gateway has been installed, you should automatically assign SNADS e-mail addresses to new users.
The following sections describe additional issues and requirements for Verimation MEMO users to receive messages from the following users:
Microsoft Outlook users can address MEMO recipients in any of the following ways:
You can manually add MS Mail users to the Microsoft Exchange Server directory, or you can use automatic directory exchange between Microsoft Exchange Server and MS Mail.
MS Mail users can address MEMO recipients in any of the following ways:
Microsoft Exchange Server does not automatically enter SMTP or X.400 users in the Microsoft Exchange Server directory, so you must add SMTP or X.400 users manually.