Migration << >>

Performing the Migration

This section explains how to migrate users, whether at one time or in multiple steps, and how to run the two primary MEMO Source Extractor functions, UserList and Migrate Users.

UserList allows you to add groups of MEMO users as either Microsoft Exchange Server mailboxes or remote users. The Migrate Users function allows you to migrate MEMO users to Microsoft Exchange Server.

Important    After migration but before the MEMO maillogs are deleted, you should have the users migrate any important information that was not migrated. The MEMO Source Extractor does not migrate the following information: binary files, personal address information, calendar information, bulletin boards, and distribution lists.

Choose Single-Phase Or Multi-Phase Migration

You must first decide whether to migrate all MEMO users at one time or in multiple steps. Depending on which type of migration you choose, you would use the following procedures, which are explained in more detail in later sections.

   To perform single-phase migration

  1. Run the UserList program MIGGENU in mailbox creation mode.
  2. In MIGACCT, list the users to be extracted.
  3. Modify all user profiles so that users are registered to use MEMO/API.
  4. Run the Migrate Users MIGMIGU program.
  5. In MIGUSER, list each user to be migrated. You cannot migrate the mail for all users by using wildcard values. A sample format is:

   To perform multi-phase migration

  1. Run the UserList program MIGGENU in the remote address creation mode.
  2. Install a connection between MEMO and Microsoft Exchange Server to allow migrated users to communicate with remaining MEMO users. (See the "Connecting MEMO to Microsoft Exchange Server" section later in this chapter.)
  3. For each group of users to be migrated, do the following:

Run the UserList Function MIGGENU

You run the UserList function by submitting an MVS batch job MIGGENU, from the MEMO Source Extractor JCL library. This creates output files with the memo-IDs of the users to be migrated.

Input files    
MIGPARM1 Parameter information Sequential (fixed length)
MIGUSRL List of MEMO users Sequential (variable length)
MIGACCT List of users to be generated Sequential (variable length)
MIGCUST Control file VSAM
Output files    
MIGPRIM1 Migration data to be sent to Microsoft Exchange Server Sequential (fixed length)
MIGPACK Configuration information used by Microsoft Exchange Server Sequential (fixed length)

You run UserLists for both mailboxes and remote addresses:

To run the UserList function, you must specify profile information in MIGPARM1, and users in MIGACCT.

Specify Profile Information in MIGPARM1

To run the UserList function, you specify profile information in MIGPARM1. MIGPARM1 is specified as instream data in the JCL job MIGGENU.

You type 10 characters in the fields. The data for the fields can be up to 70 characters. The order of the records does not matter. MIGPARM1 has the following fields:

Specify M to create mailboxes, or specify R to create remote addresses.

Specify the PC file name for MIGPRIM1, the extracted information file produced by the MEMO Source Extractor. This name must correspond to the name to be used during the PC-TSO file transfer. For example: primary.pri.

Specify the Graphic Character Identification (GCID) code-page, which holds the extracted information on the PC. Its standard value will be 850, which is the multilingual code-page. This value should correspond to the code-page to which your PC-TSO file transfer program will convert when converting from EBCDIC to ASCII. For example: gcidcodepage.

Specify Users in MIGACCT

When using the UserList program in either mode, you specify the group of users to be extracted from MEMO in the sequential dataset MIGACCT. The fields on the records are separated by a comma, followed by a space. MIGACCT has the following fields:

Specify the distribution group name (1 to 8 characters), or * for all MEMO users. (Mandatory)

Specify the name of a user's mailbox (1 to 8 characters), or * for all memo-IDs within a particular DGN. (Mandatory)

The user control file MIGACCT allows you to extract specific users, specific distribution groups, or all MEMO users.

Specific Users   To extract specific users, add a MIGACCT record for each user to be extracted. Each record specifies one MEMO user. For example, if you specify MEMOIMI, KD, MEMOIMI, SJS, and MEMOIMI, SJG, only users KD, SJS, and SJG will be extracted.

Distribution Groups   To extract distribution groups, add a MIGACCT record for each distribution group to be extracted. The MEMOID for each record must be *. For example, if you specify MEMOIMI, * and MEMMICRO, * all users for distribution groups MEMOIMI and MEMMICRO will be extracted.

All Users   To extract all MEMO users, add only one MIGACCT record with DGN set to *. As all users are to be extracted, the value of MEMOID will be ignored by the MEMO Source Extractor. For clarity, you should also set MEMOID to *.

The MIGACCT dataset will be created as part of the installation process. MIGACCT will contain a sample record that shows how to extract all users. The sample MIGACCT created can be edited by using the TSO editor.

   To run the UserList Function MIGGENU

  1. Specify the group of users to receive mailboxes or to be created as remote users by editing the TSO dataset MIGACCT and specifying the users to be extracted. (See the preceding "Specify Users in MIGACCT" section.)
  2. Save MIGACCT.
  3. Specify the profile information MIGPARM1.
  4. Edit the TSO dataset MIGGENU in the MEMO Source Extractor JCL library.
  5. Change the instream MIGPARM1 data as follows:
  6. MODE
    Specify M for mailbox, or specify R for remote.

    Specify the name of the PC file used for the extracted information file MIGPRIM1.

    Specify the GCID code-page that will hold the extracted information on the PC.

  7. Submit the JCL job MIGGENU.

Run the Migrate Users Function MIGMIGU

This process will migrate the lists of MEMO users to Microsoft Exchange Server. The mail messages are processed one at a time. The Migrate Users function examines the MEMO maillog for each user specified. (Only memos are migrated; binary files are ignored.)

You start by submitting the MVS batch job MIGMIGU, from the MEMO Source Extractor JCL library.

Input files    
MIGUSER List of users to be migrated Sequential (fixed length)
MIGPARM2 Profile information Sequential (fixed length)
MIGCUST Control file VSAM
Output files    
MIGPRIM2 Profile information of migrated memos Sequential (fixed length)
MIGSEC Text of migrated memos on Microsoft Exchange Server Sequential (fixed length)
MIGPACK2 Configuration information used by Microsoft Exchange Server Sequential (fixed length)

To run the Migrate Users function, you must specify the profile information in MIGPARM2, and the users in MIGUSER.

Specify Profile Information in MIGPARM2

MIGPARM2 is specified as instream data in the JCL job MIGMIGU. You type 10 characters in the fields. The data for the fields can be up to 70 characters. MIGPARM2 has the following fields:

Specify the PC file name that will be given to MIGPRIM2, which contains the extracted memo header information produced by the MEMO Source Extractor. This name must correspond to the name to be used during the PC-TSO file transfer. For example: primary.pri.

Specify the PC file name that will be given to MIGSEC, which contains the extracted memo text produced by the MEMO Source Extractor. This name must correspond to the name to be used during the PC-TSO file transfer. For example: secondary.sec

Specify the Graphic Character Identification (GCID) code-page that will hold the extracted information on the PC. Its standard value will be 850, which is the multilingual code-page. This value should correspond to the code-page to which your PC-TSO file transfer software will convert when converting from EBCDIC to ASCII. For example: gcidcodepage.

Specify Users in MIGUSER

MIGUSER specifies the list of users to be migrated. MIGUSER is specified as instream data in the JCL job MIGMIGU. You cannot migrate mail for all users by using wildcard values for MEMOID and DGN. MIGUSER has the following fields:

Specify the name of the user's mailbox (8 characters, fixed length). (Mandatory)

Specify the user's password (8 characters, fixed length). (Mandatory)

Specify the distribution group name (8 characters, fixed length). (Mandatory)

Specify the security ID (8 characters, fixed length). (Optional) If external security is used to validate MEMO users, the SAF-ID field can specify the external security ID.

   To run the Migrate Users function MIGMIGU

  1. Edit the JCL batch job MIGMIGU, found in the MEMO Source Extractor JCL library. Change the MIGPARM dd-card instream data to specify the primary, secondary, and GCID fields.
  2. Add a MIGUSER record for each user to be migrated.
  3. Submit the JCL job MIGMIGU.