Migration << >>

One-Step Migration

If you don't need to make changes to the common name of the mailboxes, you can use the following procedure.

   To migrate in one step from a Microsoft Mail (PC) postoffice

  1. From the Start menu, choose Programs, choose Microsoft Exchange, and then choose Microsoft Exchange Migration Wizard.
  2. Select Migrate from MS Mail for PC Networks, and choose Next.
  3. Read the informational screen and choose Next.
  4. In the Path to MS Mail Postoffice box, type the path to the postoffice, or choose Browse to specify the path.
  5. In the Account Name box, type the mailbox name of an administrator on the postoffice.
  6. In the Password box, type the password for this mailbox, and choose Next.
  7. Select One step migration, and choose Next.
  8. Select whether to migrate data to a Microsoft Exchange Server computer or to personal folder (.pst) files, and then choose Next.
  9. Select one or more options.
  10. Option Description
    Information to create mailboxes Creates mailboxes for the selected users in the user list file. Clearing this check box imports messages to existing mailboxes or converts existing custom recipients to mailboxes.
    Personal E-mail Messages Copies all messages and folders from the selected user's mailbox and server-based MMF. You can select all or set a range.
    Shared Folders Copies all shared folders to the public folder server of this server.
    Personal Address Books Copies PAB entries in MMFs and puts them into the selected user's inbox in a special message.
    Schedule Information Copies calendar files from the CAL directory on the postoffice to a special message in the selected user's inbox.

  11. Choose Next.
  12. Under Select Which Accounts You Would Like To Migrate, select the mailboxes you want to migrate, or choose Select All to select all mailboxes.
  13. Choose Next.
  14. Under Enter A Server Name, type the name of the destination Microsoft Exchange Server computer, and choose Next.
  15. Select one option based on your needs, and choose Next.
  16. Option Description
    No access Creates public folders that only the administrator can access.
    Author access Creates public folders in which everyone can read existing messages and create new ones. The administrator is assigned Administrator permissions.
    Publishing Editor access Creates public folders and adds subfolder creation permissions in addition to author access.

    Note   The administrator account that is being used to run the Migration Wizard is granted Administrator permissions for all public folders. Additional permissions can be assigned after the Migration Wizard has imported the folders.

  17. Select the directory container for the new mailboxes.
  18. Note   You cannot move a mailbox from one directory container to another after the mailbox has been created.

  19. If you are using a mailbox template to reduce the work of setting up new mailboxes, choose Browse and select the template mailbox from the address list. For more information on mailbox templates, see Microsoft Exchange Server Operations.
  20. Choose Next.
  21. Under For Users That Don't Have Windows NT Accounts, select one of the following options.
  22. Option Description
    Create accounts and generate random passwords Accounts are created with names that match the common name and random passwords. The passwords are written to the ACCOUNT.PASSWORD file in the working directory of the Migration Wizard. For users to log on to Windows NT, you need to distribute these passwords.
    Create accounts and use
    alias as password
    Accounts are created with names and passwords that match the common name.
    Don't create Windows NT accounts If a Windows NT account that matches the common name of a mailbox does not exist, create the mailbox without an associated Windows NT account. No one will be able to access this mailbox until a Windows NT account is associated with it.

    Note   The Migration Wizard associates the Windows NT account, if one exists, in the specified domain that has the same name as the common-name of a mailbox, no matter which option is selected.

  23. Under Choose a Windows NT Domain for new accounts, select the domain where the user's Windows NT accounts are located or are to be created.
  24. Choose Next to begin the migration process.