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Public Information Store Instances

The public information store Instances property page lists the public folders that are located on the selected server.

Getting to the Public Information Store Instances property page

  1. In the Administrator window, choose Servers, and then select a server.
  2. Select Public Information Store.
  3. From the File menu, choose Properties, and then select the Instances tab.

Adding a Public Folder Replica to a Public Information Store

You can add replicas on a server's public information store from any site in your organization.

  1. Select the Instances tab.
  2. In the Site box, select one of the sites in your organization.
  3. In the Public folders box, select a public folder.
  4. Choose Add to create an instance of the public folder in this information store.

Option Description
Public folders Lists the public folders available within the selected site that are not replicated to this server.
Folders on this Information Store Lists the public folders that are configured to replicate to this server.
Add Adds the selected public folder to the list displayed in the Folders on this Information Store box. All folders in this list will be replicated to your information store.
Remove Removes the selected public folder from the list displayed in the Folders on this Information Store box.
Site Lists the sites in the organization.
Folder path Displays the path of the public folder.

Removing a Public Folder Replica from a Public Information Store

You can remove a public folder replica from the information store for a variety of reasons. You may decide that you no longer want users in your site to have access to the information in a particular public folder, or, another replica of the public folder may be available on another server within the site.

Note   You cannot remove the last replica of a public folder in its home site. To delete a folder completely, you must use Microsoft Outlook.

  1. Select the Instances tab.
  2. In the Folders on this Information Store box, select a public folder, and choose Remove.