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Age Limits for Public Folders

Age limits determine the amount of time that messages can remain in a public folder before they expire and are removed. Age limits ensure that public folders don't get cluttered with outdated information. For example, you may want to set a
30-day age limit on messages in a Classified Ads public folder.

You can set age limits for:

If age limits at all three levels are configured, the limits set for a specific replica take precedence. If this limit is not set, the age limit set for all public folders in a given information store takes precedence. If neither of these limits is set, the limit set for all replicas of a given public folder will be used.

Getting to the Age Limits property page

  1. In the Administrator window, choose Servers, and then select a server.
  2. Select Public Information Store.
  3. From the File menu, choose Properties.
  4. Select the Age Limits tab.

Setting a Default Age Limit for New Public Folders

Default age limits determine the amount of time messages can remain in a public folder before they are deleted. Setting a default age limit ensures that public folders don't get cluttered with outdated information. You can set a default age limit for any new folder created in a public information store.

Note   After a public folder is created, you can change the age limit for its replica in a public information store.

  1. Select the Age Limits tab.
  2. Select Age limit for all folders on this information store (days).
  3. In the Days box, type a value.

Option Description
Age limit for all folders on this information store Select to enable the (days) box.
(Days) Type the maximum number of days that messages can remain in all existing and new public folders on this server. Microsoft Exchange Server deletes messages from public folders after this time limit expires.

Setting an Age Limit for a Public Folder Replica in a Public Information Store

You can set an age limit for a replica of a specific public folder in a public information store. The age limit applies to the replica of the folder in only the specific public information store. It does not affect replicas of the folder on other servers in your organization.

Note   You can remove a public folder replica by choosing Remove in the Modify Age Limits dialog box.

  1. Select the Age Limits tab.
  2. Select the public folder you want to modify, and then choose Modify.
  3. The Modified Age Limits dialog box opens.
  4. Select the This replica check box.
  5. In the Days box, type a value.

Option Description
This replica Select to enable the Days box.
Days Type the maximum number of days that messages can remain in the replica of the selected public folder on this public information store only. Microsoft Exchange Server deletes messages in this replica after this time limit expires.

Setting an Age Limit for All Replicas of a Public Folder

You can set an age limit for all replicas of a specific public folder. This age limit applies to all replicas of the selected folder that exist on other servers in your organization. Keep in mind that administrators in other sites can override this age limit by explicitly setting an age limit for the public folder replica in their sites.

Perhaps a local user or group needs the replica only for a short period of time and sets an age limit accordingly. However, if a remote site requires access to the same public folder for a longer period of time, the administrator for that site can override the original age limit.

Note   If you set an age limit for all public folders in this public information store or for a specific replica, it overrides the age limit you set for all replicas of the selected public folder.

  1. Select the Age Limits tab.
  2. Select the public folder you want to modify, and then choose Modify.
  3. Select All replicas.
  4. In the Days box, type a value.

Option Description
All replicas Select to enable the Days box.
Days Type the maximum number of days that you want messages to remain in all replicas of the selected public folder on all servers in your organization. Microsoft Exchange Server deletes messages in all replicas of the public folder after the time limit expires.