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Virtual Network Computing
from ORL


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Downloading VNC

The VNC system is available for general use under the conditions of the GNU General Public Licence. You should be aware of the terms and conditions of this licence, which is also contained in the distribution itself.

Please fill in the form below to download VNC.  This information is purely for our own use and will not be disclosed to any other party.

VNC download

Your Name:
Your email address:
Your organisation:
We would be interested to hear any comments about your interest in VNC, your expected use, etc.


Preferred compression scheme:


Packages: Which packages would you like to download?

Binary packages:
These include the server and viewer for a particular platform.  They all include the Java viewer.

Solaris 2.5
Linux 2.0 for x86
DEC Alpha OSF1 3.2
Win32 (Intel)
Win32test R6
(see below)

Other packages:
Copy of the online documentation
Unix sources
Windows sources
Java sources

The Win32test package is essentially the same as the Win32 one, but includes some code which may make the server run more reliably on Win95.  We would be grateful if people having problems could try this version.


Copyright 1998 - The Olivetti & Oracle Research Lab