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How to play Cameleon

You start the game with one or more cells of a single color, in the bottom left corner of the game board. The computer starts from the upper right corner. The cells you own are shaded with white, and the computer's cells are shaded with black.
The game board consists of cells of four different colors: red, green, blue and yellow. To conquer cells, you must change your own color to one of these, and the cells bordering your area will become yours.
Both players change color once per turn. Player must change color, and both players may not be of the same color. Thus, each turn there is only two possible choices.
The one with most cells when all cells are conquered wins.
Additionally, the game checks if some cells are already inaccessible to the other player and automatically gives them to the surrounding player.

Game controls

You may select the next color by clicking with mouse, or by keyboard:

1 R P (red, punainen in Finnish)
2 G V (green, vihreä in Finnish)
3 Y K (yellow, keltainen in Finnish)
4 B S (blue, sininen in Finnish)

Any of the three different keys work.

Game options

You can select the computer AI (artificial intelligence) and game board generation options from the game menu. Both of these options will only become active when you click on new game, also in the game menu.
Loose field has very large continuous areas, and tight field has very little of them. Standard field has few of them.
Randomizer AI is just random, Blind Joe only sees close to him, Greedy Duck wants the cells you need, and Mean Machine is pretty mean.
Remember that AI only changes when new game is started.