Name | Date | Size | Description |
COM69815.ZIP | 1997-11-23 00:00 | 1.4M | Com for Win95/NT Serial/tcpip terminal emulator for Win95/NT. Supports VT52, VT100, VT220 and ANSI. Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem, Ascii and pure binary file transfer protocols. Features an easy to use scripting language with auto scripting. 50 user definable macros with hot key support. Add custom sounds to events. Drag and drop file transfers. Shareware $25.00 |
FON_100.ZIP | 1997-06-13 00:00 | 927K | Starnet Micro X-Win v4.0. 100 DPI fonts. |
FON_ANDW.ZIP | 1996-10-30 00:00 | 65K | Starnet Micro X-Win v4.0. Andrew Toolkit fonts. |
FON_CDE.ZIP | 1996-04-10 00:00 | 83K | Starnet Micro X-Win v4.0. CDE fonts. |
FON_DEC.ZIP | 1996-03-13 00:00 | 657K | Starnet Micro X-Win v4.0. DEC Ultrix fonts. |
FON_HP.ZIP | 1997-06-05 00:00 | 1.1M | Starnet Micro X-Win v4.0. HP fonts. |
FON_IBM.ZIP | 1997-02-11 00:00 | 1.0M | Starnet Micro X-Win v4.0. IBM AIX fonts. |
FON_MATH.ZIP | 1997-04-24 00:00 | 511K | Starnet Micro X-Win v4.0. Mathematica fonts. |
FON_MENT.ZIP | 1997-01-20 00:00 | 500K | Starnet Micro X-Win v4.0. Mentor Graphics fonts. |
FON_OPWN.ZIP | 1997-05-13 00:00 | 58K | Starnet Micro X-Win v4.0. OpenWindow fonts. |
FON_SCO.ZIP | 1996-05-30 00:00 | 42K | Starnet Micro X-Win v4.0. SCO fonts. |
FON_SGI.ZIP | 1997-05-07 00:00 | 193K | Starnet Micro X-Win v4.0. SGI fonts. |
FON_WP.ZIP | 1996-05-01 00:00 | 401K | Starnet Micro X-Win v4.0. WordPerfect fonts. |
GCKWIN71.ZIP | 1995-11-17 00:00 | 456K | GEOCLOCK 7.1 sunlight clock for Windows. The current sun position is displayed, and the parts of the earth in sunlight and twilight are highlighted, with local sunrise/set and times around the world. |
GMD3210B.ZIP | 1995-07-23 00:00 | 131K | MUD Client for windows |
HOSTINFO.ZIP | 1995-08-17 00:00 | 23K | Hostinfo. Shows IP address information (host names and numbers) (Windows NT or Windows95) |
ICQ98A.EXE | 1997-12-26 00:00 | 1.6M | ICQ is revolutionary, user-friendly Internet program that tells you who's online at all times |
LANPRT.ZIP | 1992-03-15 00:00 | 39K | Connect/Disconnect Network Printers in Win |
MONETLT0.ZIP | 1996-06-01 00:00 | 178K | MONET LAN analyzer LITE (dated: 1/June/1996). |
NETBACK.ZIP | 1996-09-06 00:00 | 402K | NetBack is a very simple filebackup system, which uses spare local and network file system/disk space to backup your important documents and files. |
NETBEUI.EXE | 1994-07-21 00:00 | 38K | Updated NETBEUI.386 Fixes Slow Data Transfers |
NETINFO.ZIP | 1998-07-01 00:00 | 1.3M | NetInfo v2.01.520 [1.3M] 9x/NT FREE. You almost didn't get this issue today. Most of the Iowa's Internet connection was cut due to flooding in some cities (and towns). At first, I thought it was just MY computer, but after checking the host service status with NetInfo, I knew the problem was bigger. The coolest feature of NetInfo: looking up a domain name according to its IP address or an IP address from its domain name. You can also perform basic network queries (ping, traceroute, etc.), and scan all hostnames under one (class C) IP address. NOTE: the product serial number is 042-1144954 (and it is given freely by the author). |
NETLIGHT.ZIP | 1998-01-18 00:00 | 1.7M | Net Lightening v1.1.5. This utility allows you to edit the MTU, RWIN and TTL settings of TCP connection. By fine tuning your settings, it can improve download times and transfer speeds. |
NST301A.ZIP | 1998-01-18 00:00 | 1.0M | v3.01a netscantools -TCPIP Network Utils Unix ports: full nslookup, finger, ping, traceroute, whois, timesync, echo,chargen daytime, quote, URL grabber, identserver, Sockets info NetScanner Requires TCPIP (Winsock) & active net connection to run. Shareware ($25 US + S&H) for NT, 95, 98 WWW: EMAIL: |
NTOOLS11.ZIP | 1995-07-23 00:00 | 191K | NetTools 1.1 |
PTSCAN11.ZIP | 1995-08-31 00:00 | 249K | Port Scanner Version 1.1 |
PUKENABR.EXE | 1998-07-26 00:00 | 785K | Description: NukeNabber sets itself up to listen on TCP and UDP ports commonly nuke attacked over the internet. A total of 50 ports can be monitored simultaneously. It is designed to give you the information you need in order to trace an attacker; including a method of finding an attacker's nickname on populay IRC servers. |
PW3232.EXE | 1997-05-06 00:00 | 2.4M | Allows up to seven (7) people to chat via keyboard or voice, travel to web pages together, exchange files and photographs and play associated event sounds for whatever you choose |
QTAKES.ZIP | 1998-07-07 00:00 | 312K | QuikTakes for NetWare v1.0.0.1 [320k] W9x/NT4 FREE. There goes the Network Neighborhood! If you're a NetWare 4.x network admin, you'll want to stay informed of all the latest server happenings. This dandy download shows core server statistics, CPU utilization of file server, and NCP traffic loads of the file server--all in REAL-TIME and with meters, LEDs, & graphs. Plus, multiple instances of QuikTakes can monitor multiple servers simultaneously. For more great Novell shareware, be sure to visit the site! |
TWSK30C.EXE | 1996-10-16 00:00 | 558K | Trumpet Winsock Version 3.0 Rec C |
TWSK30D.ZIP | 1996-12-22 00:00 | 558K | Trumpet WinSock'95 Ver 3.0d |
VNC331W3.ZIP | 1998-02-18 00:00 | 908K | Ilmainen graafinen etäkäyttöohjelma Windowsiin. Yhteensopiva saman softan Linux versioiden kanssa. |
WG2E95.ZIP | 1997-06-03 00:00 | 1.3M | WinGate and WinGate Professional v2.0e Depending on which key you use (WGate or WinGate Professional) WinGate allows you to connect many LAN users to Internet over a single dial-up link. (for Win95) |
WG2ENT.ZIP | 1997-06-05 00:00 | 1.3M | WinGate and WinGate Professional v2.0e Depending on which key you use (WGate or WinGate Professional) WinGate allows you to connect many LAN users to Internet over a single dial-up link. (for WinNT) |
WPROXY20.EXE | 1997-07-21 00:00 | 910K | WinProxy v2.0c for Win95/NT |
X-WIN40.ZIP | 1997-12-08 00:00 | 2.8M | Other files |
XFS191.ZIP | 1995-01-10 00:00 | 211K | NFS Client for Windows. XFS v1.91 |
XFS32120.ZIP | 1994-12-11 00:00 | 104K | XFS32 v1.20 - 32 bit Network File System (NFS) Client for PC's running WfWG 3.11 and MS TCP/IP-32. Shareware by Robert Juhasz. |