Utilização de unidades Zip

Programa IomegaWare

Utilização dos discos Zip

Informações especiais

Como obter ajuda

Copyright 1999 pela Iomega Corporation. The following trademarks of Iomega are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademarks Office and in other countries: the graphic "hand" and "swirl" designs, Iomega, the stylized "i" logo, Zip, and the "1 & foot print" icon. Some other marks of Iomega which may be registered in some countries are the following: the graphic "eye" design, IomegaWare, Zip 100, Zip 250, the Zip 100 brand block, and the Zip 250 brand block. Certain other product names, brand names and company names mentioned in this material may be trademarks or designations of their respective owners.

Versão inicial: 09 Dez 1998
Última revisão: 16 Fev 1999