Check this out....Some local joyriders in Dublin...very silly boys!!
Its amazing how nippy the new micra is...count the amount of police cars and a chopper!! ... re=related
Pat, your friend was convicted of a felonious crime? How absurd is that? He can no longer vote? Have a Govt. job? Many 'priviliges I bet. All for doing a burnout? Here in Ind. it's classified as a unsafe start, not a felony only a misdeamenor.patrick wrote:Takes the fun right out of it. Driving School, Anger Management, Terrorist Registration, Counseling, Should I go on. My nephew got caught Roasting his tire's with his Bowtie 72, 454 Chevelle, six year's ago. He's still trying to get his hunting and gun right's back, and get that thing Expunged! He is labled as a Fellon. That Suck's He only Roasted the tire's for one City Block, could have Roasted the whole town of Camas.
patrick wrote:BY the way, Red, You are a with your avatar's. Patrick
bananaskin wrote:Tim's..............Avatar.............
Aah what the hell.
Tim where you the previous previous.... owner of my car??