Adrian Worman wrote:I think the Davemans car ran a progressive mech linkage
Yes The outers were modified for acc pumps and squirters. Stainless steel adjustable progressive linkage.
Adrian Worman wrote:I think the Davemans car ran a progressive mech linkage
Eddie wrote:With a dual plane manifold, I think the stock set-up with vacuum secondries is the best way to go for a true street engine. Dave had mechanical secondaries,,but he also had a few problems from memory. Ade, I would call Holley before drilling anything. The idle/high speed bleeds will control the fuel curve at various points. The passage ways to be drilled must be a certain size and the holes may be finely honed with no abrupt tooling cuts. This may or may not be hard to accomplish with pin drills,dont know never done it before, this is why I would contact Holley 1st