Hey gang,
With anything that grows and continues to grow, sometimes things get to be so large that they are difficult to use. With our found section now totaling over 3000 "found" items the found section has become time consuming to search one page at a time.
My webmaster for the site felt bad for all of you, so he has spent the last few days adding a "custom" search feature. The link to it is http://www.hamtramck-historical.com/foundByVin.shtml
All you have to do now is enter a partial VIN instead of searching each and every page. Just type in the VIN prefix, the last six of the VIN, the complete VIN or any part of the VIN that you may be interested in and see what comes up. For those that prefer the old way, the original pages have been left intact.
As a "search" example, if you have a T/A and want to see what we have available for T/As just search for JH23J0B and about 2 1/2 pages of items will come up.
The list of "bad" VINs from illegal auctions, parted cars and known re-bodies is also availabe to view seperately now at this link;
http://www.hamtramck-historical.com/fou ... Flag.shtml
Thanks for setting this up Mike!
T/Ake care and happy hunting,
Barry Washington