Open exhausts

Postby Hans » 18 Mar 2001 19:34

Has anybody out there ever installed some Race Readies from Flow-Tech between the headers and the mufflers ?

For those who don't know what Race Readies are, it's some sort of T-piece you can install between the headers and mufflers. The shunt can be closed or opened with 3 nuts. When opened you should get some sort of open exhaust which should be a bit louder then if they are closed. It would be a cheap way to create an open exhaust at the moment I want. (when I go to a meeting or something)

Has anybody ever installed something like this ? If so, did it worked, was it LOUD when they were opened ?


Open exhausts

Postby Jon » 19 Mar 2001 3:12

I used an item very similar to the Race Readies you mention - but it had a cable pull that allowed the exhaust to be opened from within the car (I believe the ones you mention actually use 3 wing nuts). It was VERY loud when opened and had a pretty impressive leak when it was supposed to be closed. I don't think the performance saw any real improvement with those cut outs either - probably could have used low restriction mufflers and still been legal! Hope this info helps.

Open exhausts

Postby Hans » 19 Mar 2001 6:28

Well, I don't want them for the performance, but just for the loudness. So that I have it real loud when I want that by just turning a couple of nuts. You were right about the fact that they are wing nuts. Thanks for the info Jon

Open exhausts

Postby dave » 19 Mar 2001 8:42

Yes a big V8 on open headers is loud. I use the mufflers they sell at Summit Racing with the three wing nuts on the back to do the same thing as you describe. I had heard that the units with the cable never sealed correctly (as you might expect).

Open exhausts

Postby ted » 22 Mar 2001 15:22

too loud for street use.just like open headers.

Open exhausts

Postby Tim Ellison » 28 Apr 2001 14:10

Hi Dave,

Would appreciate a bit more info. on those Summit Mufflers, if it's not too much trouble. I've been looking for a set- up like this for ages. I'm 3 days away from (probably) buying a Challanger, and the public gotta know when your coming.

All the Best

Tim Ellison

Open exhausts

Postby Tim Ellison » 28 Apr 2001 14:11

First, I'm off to learn how to spell the name, though.

Tim Ellison

Open exhausts

Postby dave-r » 28 Apr 2001 21:32

Flowtech Warlock. Various sizes in/out. $65 each. Three wing nuts remove a bypass and it becomes a straight through pipe.

Open exhausts

Postby Tim Ellison » 29 Apr 2001 9:01


Many Thanks.

Tim Ellison

Open exhausts

Postby Joe B » 11 Aug 2001 19:25

Can anyone tell me how I can verify that the small block exhaust manifolds I bought are really the "factory headers" or "hypo" manifolds they are supposed to be? a couple of the stamped numbers are hard to read but they look like 2465719 and 2465769. thanks
Joe B

Open exhausts

Postby dave-r » 13 Aug 2001 18:59

Posted in a non-relevant thread again Joel? What has this got to do with 'open exhausts?'
Why not use the existing thread 'exhaust manifolds' or start a new thread?

OK lecture over.

Your manifolds. No such thing as "Hypo" 318 manifolds. There are different part/casting numbers for each LA engine and from year to year. They all perform about the same I feel. Unless someone out there knows different?

The first number you quote I don't have a reference to which probably means it was never used in a Barracuda or Challenger as that is all I have reference material for (thank you Paul Herd). Possibly even a truck manifold? The second number (2465769) is a drivers side manifold used 1967 on 273 engines and 1968 on 318 engines in Barracudas.

Open exhausts

Postby Joel » 14 Aug 2001 10:37

Hey, hey, hey, come now, Dave. If you would have bothered to look over the entire thread, I did,oops, I mean did NOT post the thread, nor said a peep. I am, innocent, I tell you, INNOCENT!!!!!! It was that Joe B. character, though my last name does begin with a B. Besides, why on Earth would I use stock manifolds? I use performance headers.

Open exhausts

Postby dave-r » 14 Aug 2001 11:01


You have my unreserved apologies!!! My fault for reading the message board when I am sleepy and need to get to bed.

Open exhausts

Postby Joel » 15 Aug 2001 1:26

Don't think too much of it. I am a rather laid back chap. Wounld not be very Chritian liek of me to let every little insignificant things get to me if I am going to be of any help to anyone with a problem. I know how you feel. I have cronic fatigue due to a immune deficiency, (or CFIDS), which came to a climax in the end of my junior year of high school. Much better now, about 2-3 years later now, thanks to the Lord and everyones prayers for me.

Open exhausts

Postby dave-r » 15 Aug 2001 17:32

Bummer. Hope you continue to improve.

Open exhausts

Postby Joe B » 16 Aug 2001 0:47

Very sorry Dave, I promise to get it right next time. also sorry Joel to put you through my scolding. Thanks for the info on the heads, I have a 74 with a 360. thats what the heads were supposed to fit. oh well, didnt pay much for them.
thanks again guys
Joe B

Open exhausts

Postby dave-r » 16 Aug 2001 8:02

You are welcome Joe. Take no notice of me when I am in bad moods.

Open exhausts

Postby Joel » 16 Aug 2001 8:49

Thank you so much Dave, I am sure that I will. Joe B., like I said to Dave earlier, I am a laid back fellow, I don't have any hard feelings towards anyone. That sort of attitude doesn't suit me any and it just doesn't help any heated situation.

Open exhausts

Postby VON » 21 Sep 2001 20:05

i thought i was just dreaming of a cable pulled open exhaust system when i brought it up with my friends. dave, you said you had something of that sort. could you give me more information on this and how i could go about getting this. i have a 74 challennger/360 combination---thanks=VON
you can e-mail me if you want.

Open exhausts

Postby dave-r » 22 Sep 2001 10:18

The cable operated ones are rubbish. They do not seal when closed.

As stated above, I use the Flowtech Warlock muffler which has a cap/deflector held on with three wing nuts. Remove the cap and it is no more than a straight pipe.

Open exhausts

Postby VON » 12 Oct 2001 19:42

A Comment on the Warlock Mufflers from summit. I recently purchased a set of those myself. I am pleased with the performance but I am very curious where any of you that have them got them mounted. That is, where the muffler shop put them. The muffler shop I used insisted that the only place to mount them because of their size was on either side of the gas tank in the VERTICAL position. Other than putting them in the incorrect position I didn't understand why they couldn't have put them like any other muffler. Also, the dumps on them are almost irrelevant because when you uncap them, the exhaust has still got to travel the length of the pipe and go over the axle when it should have been dumped immediately following the headers.

Open exhausts

Postby VON » 12 Oct 2001 19:57

A Comment on the Warlock Mufflers from summit. I recently purchased a set of those myself. I am pleased with the performance but I am very curious where any of you that have them got them mounted. That is, where the muffler shop put them. The muffler shop I used insisted that the only place to mount them because of their size was on either side of the gas tank in the VERTICAL position. Other than putting them in the incorrect position I didn't understand why they couldn't have put them like any other muffler. Also, the dumps on them are almost irrelevant because when you uncap them, the exhaust has still got to travel the length of the pipe and go over the axle when it should have been dumped immediately following the headers.

Open exhausts

Postby Johnny-D » 13 Oct 2001 2:55

So good he said it twice ;-)

Open exhausts

Postby dave-r » 13 Oct 2001 12:39

Well VON.
It is tricky to mount them and get good ground clearance but far from impossible. I mounted mine in front of the axle. When uncorked the exhaust has to travel almost to the axle as a result but I made it so it is almost a straight run and with it being a 3" system I think it works quite well. When 'corked' the exhaust has to make a sharp almost 90 degree bend up to get over the axle though. But again, with the 3" pipes it seems to work OK.

(See the images of my exhaust system being built on my web site)

To keep the noise down I also mounted a couple of glass-pack 'cherry bomb' type mufflers either side of the gas tank.

Open exhausts

Postby Ron Morgan (Cartman) » 04 Jun 2002 20:43

does anyone know where to get race reddies in u.k.and a suitable place that could fit them.
Ron Morgan (Cartman)

Open exhausts

Postby Dave-R (Roppa440) » 05 Jun 2002 15:37

Funny thing at the weekend. Another Challenger owner (340) heard me enter the showground we were at and when I was talking to him he mentioned he had noticed I was running open exhausts. He could not believe it when I told him I was in fact using 4 mufflers! I though about un-corking them so he could hear what it really sounds like but I decided against it.
Dave-R (Roppa440)

Open exhausts

Postby Gerrad Friedline (Gmfried » 14 Jun 2002 18:04

I got a vehicle code sheet for my state, it says no cutouts or open headers are allowed, what If I used the cable pulls, and ran tubes to the side of the body? I want a really quite exhuast for sneaking out of a buddies house at 2 in the morning, dont want to wake the wife up. But I also want to pull into the wally world lot, and open em' up to let the ricers hear the Detroit iron, as well as making a sleeper car, for winning a few bucks here and their.
Gerrad Friedline (Gmfried

Open exhausts

Postby Dave-R (Roppa440) » 14 Jun 2002 22:24

The cable pulls tend to leak like hell so you always sound like the exhaust is blowing. Then the moving parts get fouled up and they stick. At least that is my experiance with them on friends cars.

Hey. I sould be packing....
Dave-R (Roppa440)

Open exhausts

Postby Audun Løkse (Odin) » 09 Aug 2003 22:50

Remembered this old thread about cutouts for open headers as I came across an ad for Quick Time Performance. Check this setup: .htm

Mostly for show I guess, but this system looks better than the aforementioned cable pulls.
Audun Løkse (Odin)