Eddie it has a fantastic throttle response.
It revs so fast it is like a snappy fox terrier trying to take your fingers off.
I tried it on a near stock 440 once (a mate was having problems and he wouldn't believe me they were only carb related so I swapped manifolds to prove a point) and it made his 440 rev even faster than mine.
The only problem I have had is sometimes a lack of fuel from the pump shots on the first throttle press if the car has not long been restarted after being shut down for a bit.
Typically this happened in the lanes waiting to get onto the track on hot days. I used to have to make sure I stamped on the throttle after the burnout and before going to the line. That way I made sure it was not going to bog due to lack of pump shot.
I am pretty sure this was down to the fuel bowls and pumps getting very hot and boiling the pump shot fuel away. Which is why I have mounted the carbs on an ally heat plate.
An aluminium plate like this reduces temperatures quite effectively. The old slide and film projectors I used to use at work often had an ally plate mounted above the lamp to stop the projector casing getting hot. Often you got a 30 C. increase in surface temp if you left it out and the casing would become too hot to touch.
I think this will cure the problem. I even have an upturned lip on the front edge to protect the bottom of the fuel bowl at the front from the heat blowing from the radiator fan.