This is a file that will add your personalized BBS name and allow you to have new callers to answer your script Questionaires for regular callers or sysops and co-sysops. I wrote this becuase I was sick of people not filling out Questionaires. They may still say no to answering but they can also have no access to do anything to. So this is how to install this file: To INSTALL: Go into pcbsetup type B, C, and edit your newuser display file. At the end of the file put this line: !c:\pcb\ppe\vscho3.ppe Make sure that you specify the right directory for PPE file. Also NEWUSER script Questionaire must be #6 on your list of script questions and Sysops must be #3. I will not gerrantee that this file will work. If you like it and have suggestion for other programs or this one you can contact me on RIME (5559). Please drop me a line I have just start with PPLC to make ppe files and have been learning from other programers source codes. George Goehring The Hide-Out BBS Node1 (815)338-9601 Node2 (815)338-7225 RIME (5559) VSCHO Shareware Files