śžßžÜÜßÜßŪÜŪŪ UNREAL NUKER V0.04į ŪŪÜŪßÜßÜÜžßžś ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Coded by TaNiS of Unreal Reality Unreal Nuker is a PCB 15.1+ PPE used to nuke uploaded files and notify users on the reason of this action. It's fully SysOp's configurable and easy to install. To install it, place the archive in a directory, let's say C:\PCB\PPE\NUKER and UNZIP the packet. Now, modify the NUKER.CFG to suit your needs. Everything about it is explained in the config file. Remember also to customize the MESSAGE.TXT file, which main function is to use this text to inform the user on why the file he uploaded was nuked. It fully supports some user-defined macros. They are: @FILENAME@ - Name of the file nuked @USERNAME@ - Name of the uploader @NUKER@ - Name of the user who nuked the file @CREDITSNUKED@ - Total credits nuked from uploader @REASON@ - Reason of why the file was nuked it also supports every PCBoard variables and color codes. To make this PPE work, edit your CMD.LST file and add a command like this: Command Sec Action ===================================================================== NUKE 20 C:\PCB\PPE\NUKER\NUKER.PPE I think that's all you need to know for operating this PPE. I'll add many other features in the next version, like user-configurable prompts. A last note on our WHQ... In our last product, we told everyone that Touchdown would be our new WHQ, but since we got no news from the SysOp, DiGiTaL iLLuSioN will still be the WHQ until we know anything new about Hitman. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÕĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶø ³ Other PPEs Released by Unreal Reality śśś ³ ĘĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶµ ³ų - Val User v0.1 ³ User Validation PPE ³ TaNiS ³ ³ų - Comment To SysOp v1.0 ³ Leave a Comment To SysOp ³ TaNiS ³ ³ų - PCB NFA v0.05B ³ PCBoard New Files Announcer ³ TaNiS ³ ³ų - WHAT v0.01b ³ What's in the batch ul on node X ³ TaNiS ³ ³ų - UNREAL NUKER v0.04į õ File Nuker ³ TaNiS ³ ³ ś ³ ³ ų ³ ł ³ ś ś ś ś