MODERATE.PPE for PCBOARD 15.3+ Compiled in PPLC 3.3 12/16/97 READY! Keep all files together in any Directory you want. SET! EDIT Moderate.CTL (the control file) LINE 1 = How many Echos to send a message too. LINE 2 = Who to send the message to. "ALL" works fine for me. LINE 3 = Who the Message if from. (This for the message header only) here comes the repeatable lines LINE 4 = MONTHLY or WEEKLY To send the message LINE 5 = DAY of the month for month or day of the week(0 - 6) 0 being sunday and 6 being saturday for week. LINE 6 = Conference number to send message to. LINE 7 = FILE NAME to send as message, must be in same directory as .PPE. CREATE it 1st. I don't do it for you. LINE 8 = Subject of message for Message header only. Repeat LINES 4 - 8 for as many times as the number you indicated in LINE 1. one added feature is the NETLOGO file if you want all your messages to show your NETWORK LOGO at the beginning of each message THEN have NETLOGO file in the same directory as the .PPE. Simply, no file named NETLOGO then one won't appear. EDIT MODERATOR.BAT to reflect your path to the .PPE. and copy it to any filename you will use to call it as a EVENT in PCBSETUP. GO! now run MODERATOR.BAT from DOS to see how it works THE TOP OF YOUR SCREEN WILL INDICATE WHAT CONFERENCE AND MESSAGE IS BEING PROCESSED. check your CALLERS LOG to verify messages were sent as you wanted. Problems/Comments/Gratuities MR. E. Ken KASA ENTERTAINMENT-PRESENTS 810-228-7496 INTERNET KASA2@JUNO.COM USNETMAIL 587:120/0 FIDONET 1:120/523 SNAIL MAIL 43121 CARLYLE PL. DR. 203A CLINTON TWP., MI. 48038