BADUSER v1.0 - Copyright 1991 Ernie Johnson ** Warning: Very skimpy documentation lies ahead It is intended for experienced BBS sysops! Why BADUSER? -------------------------------------------------------------------- Let me explain why I wrote this program before describing what it does and what you can use it for: I run a partially "free" BBS but require users to keep a file ratio. A few "select" users seem to enjoy downloading a file, renaming it and uploading it again to get their file ratio replenished. Of course, these users never read their personal mail that states things like "your upload duplicates file such and such - please try uploading something else". Well, after this carried on for a couple of weeks, and because I'm never around (when they call) to force them to read their mail (I have a macro that sends a R;S;Y command!) or chat with them to tell them what they are doing is wrong. Since they can't seem to figure out how to read mail (even though its on the main menu) I decided it was time for a way to bring these messages to their attention a little more forcefully without bothering other users too much. As a result, I wrote a custom version of BADUSER to handle the specific person's names. As the problem cleared, and then another user started doing it, I decided to re-write BADUSER to make use of a sysop definable "BADUSER" list, and text files - it now saves me having to recompile my program for each user as the problem arises, and allows me to send out the program to all the other sysops having a hard time with the occasional "bad user". Program Setup -------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm going to be very brief with this. I wrote the program in 10 minutes, and I'm not charging anything for its use - I'd expect a sysop who is going to be using this to be knowledgeable enough to set up the door for his/her system - we will help you over the phone if you need help in setting it up, but we will not return long distance calls or accept collect calls. Remember this is a FREE program! If you do need help, I'd appreciate it if you leave a message on EPIC BBS first. The number will be posted later in this document. Briefly, set up the door as any other door on your system, BUT make it a LOGIN door. If you are using the PCBoard beta code, or version 14.5a, set the "SHELL to DOS" option to "Y" and make the appropriate change to your batch file. The door will work very smoothly and faster if its set this way. If you can, put the door in a RAM disk - it will work almost invisibly to callers! (unless they are a bad user!) Here is a sample batch file as used on EPIC BBS: REM NODE3 J: CD\DOORS\BADUSER BADUSER C:\PCB\PCBOARD.SYS C: CD\PCB Baduser needs only 1 command line option - that is the drive, path and filename of the PCBOARD.SYS file. Remember to set up the door as a LOGIN door, otherwise it won't work as expected! You can use this door on anything that also creates a DOOR.SYS file. Simply follow the above example, but replace PCBOARD.SYS with DOOR.SYS. BADUSER.DAT -------------------------------------------------------------------- Next, you'll need to create a BADUSER.DAT file if one doesn't exist. When the door loads, it scans this file for names, and if a match is found with the user online, it displays a particular file. Here is a sample BADUSER.DAT file: ERNIE JOHNSON ERNIE.TXT ALL USERS ALL.TXT It (BADUSER.DAT) can be any number of lines long, but the longer it is, the longer it will take to process. You shouldn't have that many "bad users" anyway. When creating the file, here is how to lay it out: FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME FILE_TO_DISPLAY Please note the single SPACES between the first and last name, another space, and the drive, path and filename of the message you want to display to the bad user. If you enter a name of "ALL USERS" (without quotes) the file associated with it will be displayed to everyone. You might have a need for it, and if so, use it - if not, don't use it. SAMPLES -------------------------------------------------------------------- In the archive, are a few short samples - delete these if you know what you are doing and don't need to see what is going to happen when a "BADUSER" logs in to your system. What happens when a BADUSER logs in? Well, try it and see - if you are using the samples provided, the ALL.TXT file will be displayed. Add yourself to the BADUSER.DAT file and create a small file to be displayed to yourself - play with it. The program works great for me, so I just wanted to pass along a potentially usefull program to others. OTHER USES? -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sure! Set up a BADUSER.DAT file with ALL USERS ALL.TXT in it (so that it displays to everyone), and create a file that encourages users to register a door on your system. After your normal door runs, call BADUSER and have it display a friendly "help the sysop to register" this door message - its cheaper than the other "adopt a door" programs available, and although may have less features, it gets the job done with minimal amount of hassle. COMMENTS, SUGGESTIONS, UPGRADES, ETC. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, if I get enough people asking, I may add options to have separate ASCII and ANSI files and other things like that. Please give our BBS a call and tell me what you'd like to see added. I'll add it to my list, and some day if I have time, incorporate your idea into the program (along with better documentation). THE END -------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm afraid thats it for documentation, very sketchy, but the program is another "freebie", and it should be simple enough to get set up. If you need some help, leave us a message on our BBS system - its the most reliable and fastest way - I read mail on my BBS more often than returning calls left on my answering machine. Oh, and download YQOTD21.ZIP - its a great quote of the day login door for most BBS systems (and the documentation is better too)! Heck, while you are at it, download all my other programs ! How to reach us: (519) 357-1941 voice - no collect calls please! (519) 357-1943 BBS - the quickest, most reliable method of getting tech support for the BADUSER door. Or, leave a message in the PCBoard or Shareware conference on the City2City mail network, or in the Shareware conference on the RIME or ILink mail network.