Second Password PPE v1.0 Written by: Eric Rinker ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Dedicated to: Lorne Shantz Description ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ A PPE for using the user's Verification PSA info as a second pass- word. Its set up to work every time a user logs on, but will fix that in next version. Disclaimer ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ I am not responsible for *ANY* damaged cause by this program, in anyway, shape, or form. Use at your own risk. Installation ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ To install, simply put the following line into your news file or security display files !C:\PCB\PPE\UPDATE.PPE Of course you should change path to suit your needs. NOTE - Unless all your users are forced to put in their Verification info apone first logging on, you will need to put in an "Info. Grabbing" PPE like Update or GetIt so your users don't get locked out. Optional Files ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ BADPASS: Displayed to the user when he/she forgets their password. Bug Reports/PPE Requests ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ If you have bugs, wanted features, or other PPE needs, I can be reached through one of the PCBoard support conferences as Eric Rinker or at the following addresses/numbers: My Scummy Run-Down Hovel BBS 1-408-578-7954 - 14.4k FIDO net - 1:143/335 InterNet - FX-Net - 15:408/106 RoseNet - eric.rinker@dahovel