Hehe./.... I Hate that Kinda Stuff./....Beuurk, Writin' NFO Files... SHiT! OKi... Oki thsi PPE make your life going high, with cool fadings, cool ansi [draw by me, hehe] nice effects , real time calculating etc... etc... This PPe is fuly configuratble...[fading colors, end colors], you can exclude all the user you want from the top ppe list... That's all folks ! How To Install It ? Bha, Simple, Really Simple, Realy really really simple ! 1] Edit the config file [better for you ;)], TOPS.CFG. 2] Go To you logon procedure File and Type : !Z:\PCB\\XS_TOP13.PPE 3] Edit the REFUSED.LST, for exclude some user.... that's all i think.... Bye Folks ! Text Writed by the crazy : Dr. Vibe.