* CLARK DEVELOPTMENT'S * OFFICAL * GERMAN * PCBOARD SUPPORT BBS * ˿ ˿ ˿ ˿ ˿ ˿ ˿ ˿ ˿ ˿ ˿ ˿ ˿ ˿ ˿ ˿ ˿ ˿ 30 Lines USR V34 33600 and ISDN - PCBoard 15.22 (OS/2) INTERNET E-Mail: rainer.lindner@pob.com - FIDO NR: 2:2480/5678 BBS: +49-8807-993456 (30 NODES RINGDOWN 33600 V34,V.FC & 64000 X75 ISDN) FAX: +49-8807-993499 (ORDER PCBOARD 15.X, HARDWARE, NOVELL NETWARE...) VOICE: +49-8807-9930 (PCBOARD SUPPORT - DIRECT ORDER) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you use this PPE please let me know....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEND AN E-MAIL OR A FIDO NETMAIL. =============================================================================== POBLC2.PPE ver. 0.01 FREEWARE [PPE3] by POB(c)1996 Features: Display all incoming and!!! outgoing FIDO Calls, all FIDO UP & Downloads and all Human calls. Show the high totals of the bbs and mailer with date and .... Installation: add the ppe in your cmd list for the users. You can display it automatical in the "LOGON" file with this statement. !\PCB\PPL\POBLC2\POBLC2.PPE Look at the $$LOGOFF.CMD and POSTCALL.CMD You must insert the LASTCALLER.EXE in both Batches!!!! No arguments requiered. ******************************************************************************* Codet by: Rainer Lindner (POB MAIN SYSOP, German PCBoard Distributor) Reinhard Schrer This PPE is FREEWARE!! History: 04.04.96 0.01 Very first beta and pulic released. Note: If you see any bugs, please let me know. You can reach me via Internet, Fido or direct. The numbers are in the top of this file! Licence: This program is freeware, (c) by POB1996 Use this PPE on your own risk!