PiRO TOP UPLOADERS AND LEECHERS BY: NEEDLE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ INTRO : Well, i'v Seen Many Top Uploaders and Downloaders around but Moat don't go right the the dot on Bytes uploaded/Downloaded... So i decided to make one that goes Right To The DOT!.. - Needle - PiRO PREZ - INSTALLING PiROTOP.PPE: Okay, It Should be run In a logon Batch file, with other Logon PPE's and ANSi's...It runs itself, it only caculats once per day So it is okay to run on every logon/logoff...It Produces the file You name in the Config file... TO NEEDLE: Well, you want to gimme some suggs. or some Bug Reports???..Well Call My board up and Chat me, or send me Mail on any of PiRO's HQ.. I can be reached, in Canada..No extenders to the US Yet (YET!) ---------------- Needle [PiRO][TSC][UCC] --------------