- - - -----. .-------------------------------. | | .-----|--->pROVIDENCe 96<--. `-----' _ _ _____ | +--------------------' ________________ _____| |______/\_____|__________________________/\_ \_____ \_____ \_______\__ | | \_____ \____ __\_____ \___ _______ __/ | | | | _/____ \| | | | | | _|__ | _ | \_ _|__ | ____| _ \_ | | | | | | | \_ | | _ | \_ |___| |___| |_______| ____| |____ |____ |___| |___| |____ | <•><========|___|==[MP]=|___|===|___|===|___|===|___|===| |===|___|===|___| +------------| |------. - - - - -------|------. |___| | | | : | | : `------' . PROViDENCE 1996 . "It's Quality, Not Quantity That Counts!" presents LastOnes v1.OO ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Code by: Cuminous of Providence Ansi by: Scoundrel of Providence This PPE is for PCB 15.21+ [­]ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[ WHAT DOES iT DO? ]ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[­] The PPE logs the callers, their info and actions and displays it on a very nice and configurable way to your users. Simply to install, just read the instructions below. [­]ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[ HOW TO INSTALL ]ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[­] Here is a detailed description of how to install: [A] Make a directory in the \PCB path. Ex. "C:\PCB\PPE\LASTONES\" [B] Copy all the files from this archive to the directory. Look further down for a list of the files which are included in the archive and should be copied. [C] Now you should edit your logon file and add a single line to it: !C:\PCB\PPE\LASTONES\LASTONES.PPE The ! tells PCB to run the PPE in the logon. Of course you should enter the path YOU have the ppe in! [D] Make a logoff file. If you already got one, go direkt to [E]: 1) Edit your PCBTEXT 2) Go to record nr 192 3) Write like this %C:\PCB\LOGOFF, or any other file, you want to be your logoff file. [E] Edit your logoff file like this: !C:\PCB\PPE\LASTONES\UPDATE.PPE Or the path that YOU have. You can add more files here in that you want to be runned, i.e a txt file, or ppe. [F] Check in the .CFG file and change whats necessary. I've included the instructions there so i didn't write them in this file! [G] Thats all. Now run PCB and test if it works. If it doesn't go through this text and steps again. [­]ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[ FILES iN ARCHIVE ]ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[­] Here is a list of the files that should be included in the directory: LASTONES.PPE - Main ppe that you run in your login. UPDATE .PPE - The updater, should be runned in your logoff. LASTONES.CFG - The main config file for the PPE's. LASTONES.DAT - In here the PPE saves users and their info. (Dont tuch it) ACTIONS .DAT - In here the PPE saves the users actions. (Dont tuch it) LASTONES.PCB - The main screen, using Pcb ansi codes. LASTONES.DOC - Thats this file that you're reading right now. PIE-1996.NFO - The .NFO file for Providence. FILE_ID .DIZ - This file is for bulletin board systems and describes the PPE. LASTONE .DAT - Info about the last one who called. (Dont tuch it) ACTION .DAT - In here u find what the last user has done. (Dont tuch it) [­]ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[ REViSiON HiSTORY ]ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[­] Here comes the history for the PPE if you want to see it for some reason! Version 1.OOá, Beta test version. Version 1.OO, The public release. (This one =)) [­]ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[ LAST WORDS ]ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[­] Here is some personal greets: . Odin . . The Yench . Zip Jam . Goolum . Anopheles . Proxyon . . Zedde . Antialias . Raw Toxic . Corax . Abnormal . Counterparts . . Hando . Flexor . Pharcyde . Sensei . Pfezzyo . Mendator . Flavor Flave . If you have any buggs to report, suggestions to give, or anything else just contact me at the following way: E-Mail : cuminous@nether.net IRC : at IRC(EFNet) on #PIE Thats all...