ÚÄÄùùú úùùÄÄ¿ ³ÄÄÄÄÄÍÍ[THä N’UGHTY TR’DäRZ]ÍÍÄÄÄÄij ³ _/\___________ ______/\_________ ³ ³ \ / \ \ \ / ³ ³ \__ __/ \_/ \__ __/ ³ | / \ \ _ / / \ | ù _/ \_/ |\ \_/ \_ ù ú \_______/\___| \_____\_______/ ú ÚÄ¿ ÚÄ¿ ÚÄÄ ÚÄÄ ÚÄÄ Â\ ÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄ Á Á \ ÔÍÄ ÄÄÙ ÔÍÄ Á Á Á ÄÄÙ JASP (Just Another Stats PPE) V 1.0 coded by Dead End Okay, here it is, the very 1st release of TNT (and my very first professional PPE). Installation should be very simple, so I won't waste words about that. As you will see, it has an animated bar that you can move up and down (awesome!!;))) by pressing the cursor buttons. When you check the stats locally press the right cursor button to move up. Well, yes, it's nothing special... I've made it, to learn something about the programming language. I'm sure the next PPEs will be better. So, here we go w/ the greets: Personal greets from me (Dead End) go out to: - Thorax - Thank ya for the helpful hints! - 4GL guru - hi ho... same to you... - Chicken& - great mag! ULi And last but not least the greets from SnOOp go to: - QUBE - Thanggs so much 4 ur help w/ ma board! - Colonel Yagov - Just a C00L guy :-) - Paracelsius - see above - Thorax again - Thanggs a lot 4 ur support to TnT-ANSiz Group greets: - LaserQuest coordinators - keep up da good work!!! - FiRE SkULL - wheres da diskmag???