LastCallers v1.11 - First Public Release - Minor tweaks - Added option to not log local users (npostman) LastCallers v1.0b9 - Major fixes in the alltime callers generation - fixed midnight rollover - Transfered some command line paramaters to the cfg file for ease of installation/configuring. LastCallers v1.0b1 - Shows users who are online as well as thier activity - Allows recording of Uploading, Downloading, Message Reads/Writes, Operator Pages/Succesful Chats, Group Chats and HangUps - Creates Today's, Yesterday's, Alltime Records, Last Week's and This Week's Calling Stats. - Has a nifty optional centering of the city name :) Macros supported: (case sensitive) %NODE - Node User is on %NAME - User's name %CITY - User's city/Comment %ACTVT - User's Activity %BAUD - Baud rate of connection %TMON - Time user logged on %TMOF - Time user logged off %TMUSE - Time user has used %U# - Number of Uploads %UL - Bytes Uploaded %D# - Number of Downloads %DL - Bytes Downloaded %ACS - User's Security %STATUS - User's Status (node activity) Also supported for alltime caller stats : Bytes Bytes Stats for³ Calls ³ TimeUsed ³ #Of UL's³ UPloaded ³ #Of DL's ³ Dwnloaded ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Today ³ %TCL ³ %TTIMEON ³ %TU ³ %TBUL ³ %TD ³ %TBDL ³ Yesterday³ %YCL ³ %YTIMEON ³ %YU ³ %YBUL ³ %YD ³ %YBDL ³ Record ³ %RCL ³ %RTIMEON ³ %RU ³ %RBUL ³ %RD ³ %RBDL ³ Last Week³ %LCL ³ %LTIMEON ³ %LU ³ %LBUL ³ %LD ³ %LBDL ³ This Week³ %WCL ³ %WTIMEON ³ %WU ³ %WBUL ³ %WD ³ %WBDL ³