[*] Installation Documentation for Bulletins v1.0 [*] FLuX Productions 1996 Presents "Bulletins Version 1.0" Features: This Bulletins PPE Features a Seamless integration for even existing PCB Bulletins. It Does not use PCBoards internal Bulletin System, so therefore it is much more configuarable. One of the Biggest reasons I made a bulletins ppe, is because I see alot of boards still using the *DEFAULT* PCBoard Bulletin system, almost makes me sick:) You can use The Following Command Line Switches when running the PPE: "/WRITEDEFANSI" - Write Default ANSI's to disk. (Use Caution Plz) "/HELPONLY" - Displays HELP File Only. "/QUICK" - Runs PPE in Quick Mode (Without Ansi Header, etc) Included are a bunch of HELP Ansi's. In HELP.EXE, in the \HELP Dir. also, are extra ANSI Bulletins Header Files. Have Fun:)