---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALLERS VERSION 3.2 PREVIOUS CALLERS BULLETIN GENERATOR DOC FILE - PAGE 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Studio Ware Presents Previous Caller Bulletin Generator By Ralph LoBianco Copyright (c) 1991,1992 VERSION 3.1 Released Febuary 10, 1992 DISCLAIMER ---------- This Previous Caller Bulletin Generator program is provides "AS IS" with no claims regarding its usefullness or functionality. You, the user, accept full responsibilty and libility for any problems or damages associated with its operation. What Does CALLERS do? --------------------- Callers creates a bulletin that contains a list of the previous callers to the System along with other usefull infomation such as where they are from, the baud rate they called in at and what node number they where on. It adds the most recent caller to the Top of the list and you can configure whether or not you want Sysop or Local logon's recorded in the Bulletin. You can also configure the Maximum number of callers you would like in the bulletin. CALLERS also uses PCboards @X0 color codes to provide ANSI color in the Bulletin. The Display looks something like this. Caller Log Created By Callers Ver 3.2 (C)Copyright 1992 By Ralph LoBianco Date Time User Name City,State Baud Node# ÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄ 08/24 23:28 MICKEY MOOSE ORLANDO,FL 2400 1 08/24 22:27 MICHAEL JAKESON HOLLYWOOD,CA 9600 2 08/24 21:26 WAYNE NEWTRON LAS VEGAS,NV 1200 2 08/24 20:56 GORBY CHEV MOSCOW,RUSSIA 2400 1 . . . INSTALLATION ------------ Instalation is for the most part simple. You need to create an entry in your $$LOGON.BAT file to run CALLERS. The Entry in the $$LOGON.BAT file should look something like this. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- F:\PCB\CALLERS.EXE F:\PCB\CALLERS.CFG ^Path and Name ^Path and name of Callers Configuration file. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Sample $$LOGON.BAT file is included with CALL_32.ZIP ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALLERS VERSION 3.2 PREVIOUS CALLERS BULLETIN GENERATOR DOC FILE - PAGE 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You also need to Create a config file for callers that contains information such as were to put the bulletin that is created, The maximum number of callers to log in the bulletin and whether or not to log Sysop or Local calls in the bulletin. A sample config file is also included with callers called CALLERS.CFG . CALLERS.CFG Must have 14 Lines of information.Heres a Sample Studio PC BBS Ralph LoBianco 00000 D:\PCB\GEN\BLT99 200 0 1 1 12 11 10 14 15 15 ------------------------- LINE 1 - This is where you place your BBS Name LINE 2 - Place the Sysops Name on this line LINE 3 - Once you register Callers you will recieve a Serial Number That You will place here. LINE 4 - PATH AND FILENAME of the bulletin file you want callers to create. LINE 5 - Callers will Keep a Log of as many calls as you would like, Place the Maximum # of Calls you want Loged by Callers on line # 5.When a Call Comes in It will be placed on the top of the Log and the Last Entry will be deleted if callers has reached the Maximum setting. LINE 6 - If You select 2 or 3 for line #6 The Sysops Name must be the Same in the USERS file as it is is on line # 2 in Callers.CFG if you would like callers NOT to log SYSOP calls. If you want ALL calls Loged including SysOp and LOCAL calls then put a 0 Here. LINE 7 - If you don't want Callers to Alert you when its logging a call The put a 0 on this like, Otherwise a 1 will make Callers sound a beep when it writes to the Log. LINE 8 - If you don't want to See the Callers POP up windows when its loaded you can Disable Screen writes by Puttin a 0 on this Line. LINE 9 to 14 - Lines 9 through 14 Control the Colors of the information fields such as Time, Date, Name, City-State, Baud and Node. The Colors codes are: 1-Blue 6-Brown 11-Lt.Cyan 2-Green 7-White 12-Lt.Red 3-Cyan 8-Grey 13-Lt.Purple 4-Red 9-Lt.Blue 14-Yellow 5-Purple 10-Lt.Green 15-Lt.White ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALLERS VERSION 3.2 PREVIOUS CALLERS BULLETIN GENERATOR DOC FILE - PAGE 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT - CALLERS needs to be run in the Directory that contains PCBOARD.SYS and PCBOARD.DAT If CALLERS is not in that directory it will not be able to obtain the information needed to create the bulletin. The First Time Callers is run it will create a header file, After the header file is created it will start logging calls. UPDATES / BUG REPORTS --------------------- You can obtain updates and report bugs to me at my bulletin board Studio PC BBS at any of the three High Speed Modem Access lines. The STUDIO PC BBS is Approved by the Association of Shareware Professionals, And a Member of the Shareware Distribution Network. (813)862-8850 Useing a Dual Standard Supporting HST,V.32,V.32bis,and V.42 (813)862-1809 Useing a 14.4K HST (813)862-4632 Useing a Dual Standard Supporting HST,V.32,V.32bis,and V.42 Fidonet Node 1:3619/1 Eggnet Node 99:9010/2 REGISTRATION ------------ The Use of CALLERS past a thirty (30) day evaluation period requires registration. Once registered The [[ NOT REGISTERED ]] That is Displayed on top of the Callers Bulletin Will Disapear. If you like CALLERS and decide to continue to use it on your system, Please fill out the form REGISTER.TXT and send it with a check or money order for $10 to: Ralph LoBianco Suite #231 7143 State Road 54 New Port Richey, FL 34653 Please Make Checks payable to RALPH LOBIANCO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Callers Program History can be found in HISTORY.TXT