Program: COMMENT.PPE v1.20a - Compiled on this date of 11-12-93 Description: Use this PPE program to replace your (C)omment to SysOp menu command. Allows your users to choose the SysOp he would like to leave a message for. Installation: Just add this PPE file name and path to your CMD.LST file so PCBOARD will run this PPE instead of your regular menu command. This is an Example of what it might look like: 1) C 0 C:\PCB\COMMENT.PPE The last thing you must do is edit the COMMENT.CNF file. Real simple here, just insert the SysOp names the will be show to the users when they enter the (C) command. Modifying: Feel free to modify the PPS (source) file as your needs dictate. That is why the source is included. Please upload a copy of the modified PPS (source) to my board before a modified copy is uploaded to SaltAir. If this request can not be achieved, then I will no longer be able to include the source code to my PPE programs. Support: The Shoppe Bulletin Board Systems - SysOp Larry Steele Node 1 - 708-888-0725 - [16.8 DS] - 80486/50 Node 2 - 708-888-1162 - [16.8 DS] - 80486/40 Node 3 - 708-888-0078 - [16.8 DS] - 80486/40 Node 4 - 708-888-4175 - [16.8 DS] - 80486/40 Node 5 - 708-888-4275 - [16.8 DS] - 80486/40 Node 6 - PRIVATE LINE - [16.8 DS] - 80486/66 Voice Support - [708-426-9412] - [10:00 am - 10:00 pm] Ask for Jerry Claxton, Assistant System Operator. History: (SEE HISTORY DOCUMENTATION FILE)