08/31/93 This is a silly little .PPE, so let's keep the docs to a minimum. PAGE is a little program that runs when a user attempts to use the (O)perator page and paging is turned off. It simulates a paging sequence, then the sysop initiates a CHAT to chastise the caller before logging him off... all simulated of course. This program is designed for BBS's which have a sense of humor, and probably would not work on systems where "real" work is done. Anyway, here's what you do to install.... 1: Unzip the contents into your C:\PCB\PPE directory (or wherever you keep your .PPE programs). 2: Change record # 128 in PCBTEXT to read !c:\pcb\ppe\page.ppe Once again, change this to your \PPE directory. 3: Edit the WARN file to reflect the message you want to use. I've made the messages in the program itself very generic, so those of you without the PPL Compiler can still use it. 4: That's it! Sit back and enjoy..... DISCLAIMER This program is released "as is" with no warranties that it will work, or serve any useful purpose on your system. This program is "freeware", and can be modified to suit your needs. All I ask is that if you think it's funny or neat, you let me know. I can be reached on Salt Air BBS or via the Internet (john.fix@hardgood.com). John Fix Sysop Hardgoods-East PCBoard (914) 961-8749