Page-Me! Numeric Pager Utility PCBoard 15.21 PPE Page-Me! allows you to let your users reach you at your numeric pager number. Each user can assign their own "code" and you can "block out" specific users from using this utility. It has a "time table" file so you can restrict when it is used. This is a new release so many more features will be added and if you have ideas we'd love to hear them. And in "unregistered mode" Page-Me! is FULLY functional. Not a single feature's disabled so you can fully test it out. If you like Page-Me! then check out our other great PPE's like ConfMenu/MainMenu/FileMenu/ SubscriP/Fone-Ver/UserNews/Remindme/TimeZone/Pro-Vote and many others that will make your PCBoard BBS that much more enjoyable for you and your users. Register the entire PowerPack and you are registered for every future PPE we write as well! No version upgrade fees ever! Page-Me! Features: ž Limit when user can page you at your pager number. ž A "bad names" tcan file ž Capability to "reverse" the function of the "bad names" tcan file ž Customizable display screens ž Minimum and maximum security levels ž Register Page-Me! once, no upgrade fees ever! ž The author has been BBS'ing for 9 years, he's not going away! :) ž Support can be found on the Intelec Network! Page-Me! Installation Installation of Page-Me! is really very simple. Page-Me! should be installed in your CMD.LST as shown below: Command Security PPE/MNU File -or- Keystroke Replacement ======= ======== ======================================== PAGE-ME! 40 C:\PCB\PPE\PM\PAGE-ME!.PPE Make the security level at whatever you desire and adjust for your paths. For more info on CMD.LST see PCB docs. If you are NOT setting up Page-Me! for the FIRST time, be careful not to over-write any of your files with the lists or time tables that I include with the distribution files. I include them as samples and mine may not match with yours and I'd hate to see your settings lost or overwritten. So... unzip the contents of the Page-Me! ZIP to the directory you'll be running it from. Then edit the FONE-VER.CNF and display screens to your BBS. ŚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄæ ³ PAGE-ME!.CNF ³ ĆÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ The BBS Name ³ Line 1 Your BBS Name ³ 00000 ³ Line 2 Your Registration Number ³ 00000 ³ Line 3 Your validation code ³ 123-4567 ³ Line 4 Your pager phone number ³ 20 ³ Line 5 Minimum security level ³ 60 ³ Line 6 Maximum security level ³ REVERSE ³ Line 7 Reverse the function of the bad names list ³ Y ³ Line 8 Send SysOp a message when page is sent ĄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄŁ If not yet registered, use 00000 as both reg # and validation code. If you are a registered PowerPack (all of them) use those global #'s. Line 7, the REVERSE entry, allows you to reverse how the BADNAMES.LST is used. If you put REVERSE on line 7 then the "bad names" in the list will be looked at as "approved for use" names. You'd use this feature if you have "fewer" names that you want to allow to use this utility. If you want to use the bad names list as just that, then leave line 7 as blank. Lastly, if you are having messages sent to you they will be addressed "from" PAGE-ME! so add this name to your PCBoard TCAN file so nobody can logon under that name and read these messages. ŚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄæ ³ TIME ³ ĆÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ 000000000011111111112222 ³ ³ 012345678901234567890123 ³ ³ ³ ³ SU NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ³ ³ MO NNNNNNNYYYYYYYYYYYNNNNNN ³ ³ TU NNNNNNNYYYYYYYYYYYNNNNNN ³ ³ WE NNNNNNNYYYYYYYYYYYNNNNNN ³ ³ TH NNNNNNNYYYYYYYYYYYNNNNNN ³ ³ FR NNNNNNNYYYYYYYYYYYNNNNNN ³ ³ SA NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ³ ĄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄŁ Page-Me! a time table similar to FONE-VER to determine if a page is OK for a particular time. As you can see above, I have mine set to allow pages only between 7am and 6pm Monday through Friday and not at all on the weekends. If you do not want to permit calls during a certain time place an N in that day's/hour's column. The first column of Y's is at 00:00 thru 00:59 am, the last column of Y's is 23:00 thru 23:59 pm. ŚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄæ ³ BADNAMES.LST ³ This is a list of names of users you do not want ĆÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ to permit access to Page-Me!. If you use the REVERSE ³ JIM BROWN ³ feature of Page-Me! then these names would be the ³ AL GREEN ³ only names allowed to use this utility unless their ³ RED SKELTON ³ security level was within the minimum and maximum ³ KAREN BLACK ³ security level ranges. ĄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄŁ There are a few "display files" used by Page-Me. They are WELC which is displayed upon entering the door, and BADNAME which is displayed to a user whose name was found in the BADNAMES.LST file. A file called BADTIME will be displayed to users who call outside the times that you specified in the TIME file. Also, files called ########.COD where ######## is a number unique for each user to enter a specific code of their choosing or one of your "assigning". That's about it, it's pretty much straight-forward but if you have any questions, feel free to drop me a note on my Intelec Network. You are permitted to use Page-Me! for a period of 30 days for eval- uation purposes, after which it must be registered or removed from your system. Registration grants you a license to use Page-Me! on the (1) BBS in which it is registered to. We've the right to terminate this license if licensee violates this agreement. Using Page-Me! on more than one (1) BBS or sharing the registration or validation codes constitutes breach of agreement and licensing will be revoked. You agree that Cliff Watkins or Intelec makes no warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, with respect to the quality, performance, accuracy, or fitness of Page-Me!. In no event is Cliff Watkins or Intelec liable to you for any damages, including any lost profits, lost savings or other incidental or consequential damages arising from your use or inability to use Page-Me!, or for any claim by any other party.