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More about the INI-File later on... {2} THE MENU This is the main-menu in the editor. You'll activate the menu by pressing ESCAPE in the edit mode. By the way, the editor always starts in the edit mode. Pressing ESCAPE again brings you back to edit mode. Main-Menu 'W'rite text 'L'oad text [Genetic Dreams format] 'S'ave text [Genetic Dreams format] 'N'ew text [clear text and colour memory] 'I'mport text 'E'xport text 'F'ile Manager 'H'elp 'O'ptions 'Q'uit 2.1 WRITE TEXT This brings you back to edit mode. Pressing ESCAPE will do the same. 2.2 LOAD GENETIC DRAENS TEXTFILE Choosing this one, a window appears there you can enter a filename for the file to load. The suffix .GD is not needed. Important: You can choose a path. If you wanna change the directory you've to use the FILE-MANAGER. IMPORTANT: YOU WON'T BE ASKED TO SAVE THE CURRENT TEXT! BE CAREFUL! 2.3 SAVE GENETIC DREAMS TEXTFILE This saves your text in the current path. If you want to save in another directory you've to use the FILE-MANAGER before. Furthermore all informations about the included graphics are stored. This makes the file 672 bytes longer. To save disk-space the texts are packed with a normal RLE routine. There may be a better way of packing soon... 2.4 NEW TEXT The whole textmemory will be cleared. You will be asked if really want to do this. You can choose the filling colour in the options menu > New-File-Col. This is usefull if you want to import a .TXT file. You can set the colour for imported text in this way. After the memory is cleared you'll be back in edit-mode. The current file will be called "NEWTEXT.GD". 2.5 IMPORT TEXT You can choose between .TXT file and N/A [which means not available]. N/A may be used in future... The textmemory will be cleared and the .TXT file will be put to top. If you want to change the colour of the IMPORTed text then look at 2.4 NEW TEXT 2.6 EXPORT TEXT Text can be exported to .TXT only at the moment. 2.7 FILE-MANAGER Here you can change drives, directories and load text-files. Pressing a key from a to g together with CTRL will change to drive a to g. There's no critical error handler at the moment. So if you're trying to read a directory from drive a: with no disc inside you get a nice DOS error message. Fix the error (e. g. insert a disc) and choose retry. If you quit the programm this way your text is gone. By pressing return you can change the directory or load a file. If the choosen file isn't a Genetic Dreams Textfile you'll remain in the File-Manager. IMPORTANT: YOU WON'T BE ASKED TO SAVE THE CURRENT TEXT! BE CAREFUL! You can press the keys a to z to jump to the next directory/file which matches to your pressed key. 2.8 HELP This is a short Online-Help. With 'E' or ESCAPE you'll quit the Online Help. Press 'N' for the next page and 'P' for the previous page. But keep on reading this DOC-file because it contains more informations. 2.9 OPTIONS In the Options menu you can change the following things: - Tabulator stops - X-Position after pressing RETURN; usefull if you edit tabels - Use ROM-Char: If there's a 0 you'll use the normal BIOS Charset. A 1 shows that you want to use the new charset. - Insert Mode: 0 = insert mode offline [an 'I' in the status-line 1 = insert mode online shows that insert is on!] - Autoload enabled: 0 = autoload enabled 1 = autoload disabled If you enable autoload the editor tries to load the last chapter you've been editing. If this chapter isn't in the current directory, the editor starts with an empty text called NEWTEXT.GD. - Some colours: you can change the colour of different things. Pure fun! - Change RGB colours: Here you can edit the colours of your text. Colour 0 will be used as a background colour. See {4} for additional informations. 2.10 QUIT Quit the editor... If the text has changed you'll be informed! {3} THE EDITOR Here's a brief description of the keys = Short Online-Help = Change colour = Find = Preview (VESA required) = Insert Char = Insert graphic (.gdp) = Move/delete graphic = Set word colour = Inc word colour = Dec word colour = Jump to next word = Jump to prev. word = Jump to Home Pos. = Jump to textend = Read one line into buffer = Read 24 lines into buffer = Write one line from buffer to screen = Write 24 lines from buffer to screen = Center line = Delete line = Insert line = Center line left = Merge texts (.TXT and .GD) to crsr-pos = Options menu = Center line right = Enter Search-Text for Find (F3) = Fast colour switch = Quit editor = Jump to next page = Jump to previous page = Move cursor = Jump to X-Pos 0 = Jump to end of line = Tabulator = Delete Some special notes: Change Colour: There are 16 normal colours + three flashing ones. The flashing chars will flash in the magazine as well. You can't adjust the flashing like the 1st 16 colours in the options menu. Find: Looks for a string which can be edited with ALT+S. The text won't be checked global! The find function only checks till textend. Insert Char: If you want to insert non-alpha-chars or graphic-chars this function is quit useful. You can choose a char with crsr-keys. RETURN will write the choosen char to the current cursor-position. CTRL+RETURN is the same as RETURN in the normal edit mode. All standard chars (small letters, big letters, numbers, ...) don't have to be choosen! You can type'em just like in the edit- mode. Pressing ESC brings you back to edit-mode. Move/Delete Graphic: If you've pressed F7 and a graphic was on the screen, the 'P' [which shows that there's a graphic on the current page] in the status line disappears and you can now move the graphic to a new position. The text under the new position will be lost! If you want to delete an existing graphic then press the del key on the small block. Return accepts the new position and Escape cancels this function. Changing the colour: The current word will get the current colour. The current word colour will increase by one. The current word colour will decrease by one. Read line(s) to buffer: If there are graphics they will be handled as spaces. The same is for the copy buffer to screen keys (SHIFT+F1, SHIFT+F2). Existing graphics won't be deleted! If you're coping 24 lines the crsr-position isn't interesting as the 24 lines you're about to see will be copied to buffer/ screen. Delete line: This is IMPORTANT! Graphics won't change their Insert line: position. The text which is going 'under' the graphic will be lost! There's no UNDO function and so handle this with care! Insert texts (.TXT or .GD): IMPORTANT! If you want to insert a .GD file the text will be insert to the top of the next page. Graphics won't be copied. So you've to fix that for your own. The same is for .TXT inserts. Will be fixed soon! THE STATUSLINE: The status line can look like this: news.gd PA:00.05 X:00 Y:00 T:04 Z:10 CO:04 CH:032 22:30:00 P I This means: - the current file is called NEWS.GD - you are on page 0 in line 5 - the position on the screen is X = 0, Y = 0 - the tabulator stopps are every 4 chars - after pressing return you'll get in the new line starting at X = 10 (good for tabels..) - the colour of the char at the crsr-pos is 04 - the char at the crsr-pos is a space (32) - the time is 22:30:00, quite early! - shows the current writing colour - 'P' means that there's a graphic on the screen - 'I' means that the insert mode is on {4} THE GRAPHIC CONVERTER If you want to convert graphics for the usage in Genetic Dreams you've to use the programm called "GDPIC.EXE". It was coded by Capella and that's why this isn't included to the editor. The pictures have to be 320 * 200 * 256 in .PCX or .LBM file format. If you aren't using this size with 256 colours the picture won't be converted in the right way. Because some other colours are used in Genetic Dreams the converter will ONLY TAKE CARE OF THE FIRST 128 COLOURS! Another important thing is that the 1. colour shouldn't be used, because this is the background colour which you can adjust in the Options Menu (Change RGB colours, 1st colour). So the allowed colours are 1-127. If you've problems with converting a picture you want to insert then just send the picture to me and I'll do the converting for you. I'll check the amount of colours and reduce them if it is neccesary. Usage: GDPIC(.EXE) filename.ext xsize ysize The programm needs a 3 byte number, so for example: 100 pixel(y)= 100 (written) 50 pixel(y)= 050 (written) To test if your picture is converted well use the 2nd programm in this package which allowes you to show the converted picture on the screen. USAGE: TESTPIC(.EXE) filename.ext {5} THE GREETINGS Still reading? I hope so, because some (personal) greetings from Pussyrider are comming up next... Christoph Albert, Rolf Colmer, Ren Janssen, Andy Kuiper, Antti Mattila, Jani Joeli, Carsten Bogner, Tonny Gundersen, Ville Jskelinen, Martijn Frickel, Tomas Sjgren, Ivan Debnar, Honza Slesinger, Werner van Loo, Egbert Drenth, Boran Deniz Beyin, Emil Helldin, Karol Szyszka, Ray Busick, Arjan van der Werf, Mikael Andersson, Aleksander Kostuch, Choqueriaux Sebastien, Stephen Visy, Peder Beckman, J0rgen Andersen, Pepe Adam Werderits, Peter Jonsson, Kurt Pedersen, Peter Praest, Jrgen Anderson, Frank Edvardsen, Martin Holk Rasmussen, Martin Havn0r, Mattias Andersson, Erwin Ouwejan, Peter Edlund, Krzysztof Samson, Martijn van Beek, Laszlo Dobo, Jani Kristian Visanen, Christian Vestl, Blazej Strazak, Michal Bacik, Jacob Wieland, Joost Claessens, Szabolcs Vertes, Ari Rasanen, Allan Bjrk Kristensen, Janne Granberg, Zbigniew Ledwon, Kristian Lappalainen, Peter Gutten, Bas Smeets, Andreas David, Arto Ahola, Patrick van Doninck, Emiel van Heuvelen, Ronald Martini {6} CONTACT ADDRESS Pussyrider / Escape Matthias Alpmann Zum Brnneken 1 D-33154 Salzkotten Germany Send Emails to: Land Of Rape And Honey, Escape WHQ: +49 (0)6190 930693 28.8 +49 (0)6190 74799 14.4 Hideout, Escape Dist. Site +49 (0)611 9545013 28.8 Golden Image, Escape GHQ +49 (0)6039 45756 28.8 Harthouse +49 (0)5251 67503 14.4 +49 (0)5251 640996 ISDN Seven Gates +49 (0)5254 958024 14.4 +49 (0)5254 ?????? soon ISDN You can even call this boards to get the latest ESCAPE releases. Pussyrider/Escape We are born for apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We are born for apple-k We are born for apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We are born for apple- ! We are born for apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We are born for apple n! We are born for apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We are born for appl rn! We are born for apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We are born for app orn! We are born for apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We are born for ap korn! We are born for apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We are born for a -korn! We are born for apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We are born for e-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We are born for le-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We are born fo ple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We are born f pple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We are born apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We are born apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We are bor r apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We are bo or apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We are b for apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We are for apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We are n for apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We ar rn for apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We a orn for apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We born for apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We born for apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! W e born for apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! re born for apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn! We are born for apple-korn!