Program : WEATHER.PPE v1.00 Compile Date : 02/27/96 Compilation Used: PPLC 3.20 Archive Contents: WEATHER.DOC - This File WEATHER.PPE - Weather Center PPL Executable WEATHELP - Weather Center Help File WEATHCFG.DAT - Sample Configuration File WEATHER.KEY - Demo Key File (Non Expiring) Description : This PPE will allow users the capability to easily download your weather files which are received via satellite from Planet Connect. Actually, you could use it to make -any- such files available, provided you tell the system where the files are located, and what the filenames are. The PPE presents the users with a simple menu which will prompt them to select the files they wish to to download. (Since the weather files are received from the bird in .ARC format, I have an event which copies them to a work directory, recompresses them in .ZIP format, and moves them to my FREEFILE directory. You will need to be sure that the files are located in any location which is specified in your DLPATH.LST, so that PCBoard will be able to find them when the DOWNLOAD command is issued from the PPE). Installation : 1. Copy these files into their new home by creating a new directory for the PPE (ie. C:\PCB\PPE\WEATHER) 2. Add the weather command to your CMD.LST file (From PCBSETUP, select FILE LOCATIONS/CONFIGUTATION FILES) For Example: WEATHER 10 0 0 C:\PCB\PPE\WEATHER\WC110.PPE 3. Next, you'll need to configure the weather center for your system. You can do this in one of two ways. Log into your board, and enter WEATHER CONFIG (if you called the command "WEATHER" in your CMD.LST, of course). All of the config options are fairly straight-forward, and you should be able to figure out what they are for. The other method is to whip out the old text editor and modify the file manually. The sample file is commented for those of you that wish to do the configuration manually. CONFIGURATION FILE GUIDE ------------------------ LINE 1: Your BBS Name LINE 2: Path to your Weather Map Files LINE 3: Weather Map Filename (Filename, NOT the Path) LINE 4: Satellite Map Filename (Filename, NOT the Path) LINE 5: Radar Map Filename (Filename, NOT the Path) LINE 6: Archive of ALL Map Files LINE 7: Map Viewer Filename (Normally SHOW.EXE) LINE 8: Log Usage to Caller's Log (YES or NO) 4. That's about it (that I can think of, anyway). Registration : Registration is FREE... however you will need to obtain a key file for it to remove those annoying Unregistered notices. All you need to do, is call Mercury Opus at (813) 734-2799 and leave me a msg, or netmail me at (1:3603/540), or via the Internet at Support : Jeremy T. Slater Mercury Opus Software Support 2113 Beecher Road Clearwater, Florida 34623-2211 Fidonet (1:3603/540) Internet Disclaimer : We are not responsible for ANYTHING this PPE may due to your system. You use this ENTIRELY at YOUR own risk. The Authors will not be held responsible for anything arising from the use of this program!