NODE STATUS 1.0 Coded By SoRaTHiS of Vampiric Tendancies BBS Questions RIng VT BBS +61-9-383-9534 RELEASED 6-1-95 Introduction : I got the Idea of this PPE from Arrested Development BBS. I logged onto the system and was given a display of what each node was doing. Whether it was **BUSY** or **YOUR NODE** and it also gave the Connect Speed 14400 or 21600 or whatever speed you logged on at.. But it did not preciesily say what each node was doing.... ie Transfering a file. Reading Mail etc.. So I decided to Write my own NODE STATUS PPE.. and here it is!! Default Display will be something like this Node Status 1.0 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ # Status Connect Modem Max Speed ÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 ** YOUR NODE** 28800 USR Courier v.34 28.8 2 Waiting 4 a Call IDLE USR Courier v.FC 28800 3 Handling Mail 16800 USR 16.8 16.8 4 Leeching 16800 USR Sportster 16800 5 Waiting 4 a Call IDLE Zoom 28.8 28800 6 Waiting 4 a Call IDLE USR Courier V.FC 28.8 7 Out 2 Dos 14400 Zoom 14.4 14.4 8 In A Door 38400 Local Connection Too Fast! ÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Coded By SoRaThiS Installation: Ok this PPE is REAL easy to Install. NO changing the PCBTEXT files or anything like that. I have my copy installed just after logon but before the user enter his / her name. Method1:A small PPE is required to be executed Everytime a user logs onto the BBS. This ppe (prestat.ppe) takes the users Connection speed and writes it to a file. This file is then accessed by STATUS.PPE for the connection speed for each node. edit your welcome file and place at the top the line !d:\ppe\status\prestat.ppe or !\prestat.ppe this will run the PPE each time a user logs into the system and store the users speed. directly under that place this line !d:\ppe\status\status.ppe or !\status.ppe Method2: The other way to do it is to EDIT the PCBTEXT file. Create a small text file (status.txt) containing the following lines !d:\ppe\status\prestat.ppe !d:\ppe\status\status.ppe now edit your PCBTEXT file and change prompt number 149 to display the file you just created. something like %d:\ppe\status\status.txt _ don't forget the underscore as this will stop the ? appearing. As it is still waiting for an answer to Do you want Graphics.. If this annoyes you just create a small PPE to stuff the Keyboard with a Y... Config Files. The COnfig files are pretty self explantrity and have internal documentation.. If you have any questions Ring my BBS Here in Australia on +61-9-383-9534 28.8 V.34 USRobotics Courier and APPLY for access or you can LOGIN as PCB Password PCB and leave mail etc saying who you are etc.... Ok I HATE documentation so thats it from me...