ALT-Menu v 1.20 Coded by The Master Add this PPE to your CMD.LST for a added PPE or Door menu. File's Included in this ARCHIVE are ----------------------------------- MENU.PPE Main PPE program MENU.DAT Contains the displays for each entry in the MENU.CFG MENU.CFG Config file for PPE MENU.HDR Menu Header display file MENU.DSP Menu Box display file. Depending on how long this display screen is will determin the amount of entries that can be in the MENU.DAT. MENU.NWS Intro display File, This file will display before you enter this PPE. If the file don't exist then nothing is displayed and it Goes to the PPE Menu. MENU.LVL File Displayed to the User when they don't have enough Secutity For the Funtion MENUCFG.PPE This PPE will read your CMD.LST & DOOR.LST file and create a Menu.cfg and Menu.dat file for all PPE's and Door's on your System. Now if yo are like me and have some commands that are in the CMD.LST but do not want these to show up inthe MENU.PPE You will have to edit both the MENU.CFG and MENU.DAT file's and Remove these entry's, The only reason I included this PPE in this Release was to aid you in setup only. This will also read whatever batch files you are now using and Copy them over to where you have this PPE setup so that the Menu.ppe can run your DOORS, Now these BATCH files may need to Be edited to remove any reference to running BOARD.BAT file. MENUCFG.CNF There is only one entry in this file it's the Color Code you would Like to use for the entry's in MENU.DAT that is created.