USRSTATS PPE for PCBoard Version 3.01B 10/26/94 This is a BETA release of this program, so be aware of the possibilty of bugs or other "unwanted features." There have been many changes since the last version, so please read carefully. REFER TO THE DOC FILES IN ST234B.ZIP FOR BASIC SETUP INFO. The file you are reading now is only an update covering new/changed features in this version. This release was compiled with version 2.00 of the PPLC compiler, so it will work with PCBoard versions 15.1 and 15.2. I have also included version 3.04B of the USRSTAT2.EXE program. This version has the V.34 Line Probe function enabled, so it should be ready to go whenever the modem code supports it too. This is a drop-in replacement for earlier versions, and now includes a "graphical" Line Probe report. The upcoming "official" release of USRSTAT2.EXE will also include greatly improved documentation. ------------------------------------------------------------------ New features in USRSTATS V3.01B PPE for PCBoard: 1. The name of the PPE file has been changed from USRSTATS to STPCB. This has been done to conform with the new naming conventions for all the programs and files in the "USRSTATS" series. As always, the name used on the PCBoard menu is entirely up to the sysop. 2. The FORCE_MESSAGE_ADDRESS and FORCED_ADDRESS options have been removed, and replaced with a new MESSAGE_ADDRESS option. If set to "USERNAME", the message will be addressed to the actual user. If set to anything else, the message will be addressed to the specified name, like "SYSOP" or "TECH SUPPORT". 3. The FORCE_MESSAGES_MAIN option has been removed, and replaced with MESSAGE_CONF. If set to 65536, the message will be saved into the conference the user is currently in. If set to any other value, the message will be forced into the specified conference. 4. The new MESSAGE_LIFE option allows the setting of an automatic message pack-out date. 5. The new EXEMPT_CONF option allows definition of a list of conferences that are NOT subject to the settings of the MESSAGE_ADDRESS, MESSAGE_CONF, FORCE_MESSAGES_PRIVATE, and MESSAGE_LIFE options. 6. The new COPY_MESSAGE_CONF option will copy all messages into a specified conference, regardless of the destination of the "normal" message. Messages copied into this conference will be forced as PUBLIC messages, and will be forced to be addressed to the actual user name that generated the message. This will allow the sysop to create a special PUBLIC conference just for the stats messages, while still allowing private messages to be captured in other conferences. 7. The new COPY_ALL_REPORTS option will copy ALL REPORTS into the above-mentioned COPY_MESSAGE_CONF conference, EVEN IF THE USER DIDN'T ASK FOR A MESSAGE CAPTURE! 8. The new DELETE_TEMPFILES option is included as a debugging aid. 9. STPCB can now use either DTR toggling or the Escape Character sequence to get the modem into on-line command mode. The new ESCAPE_CHAR option allows definition of the Escape Character to be used. Setting it to 128 allows use of the previous &D1/DTR toggle method. ----------------------------------------------------------- To install this update: Most of the installation information from the previous version (ST234B.ZIP) still applies, so please refer to that file for the basic setup. Then do the following stuff: 1. The old USRSTATS.CFG file is replaced by STPCB.CFG. A *sample* config file named STPCB.DEF is included in this archive. As before, make any changes needed to the config file and then save it under the name STPCB.CFG. MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND ALL THE NEW FEATURES AND WHAT THEY DO! The defaults in the .DEF file will make the program work basically the same as previous versions. 2. The old USRSTATS.PPE file is replaced with STPCB.PPE. 3. The old USRSTAT2.EXE file is replaced with the newer version 3.04B USRSTAT2.EXE file. Remember that this file must be in the same directory as STPCB.PPE. 4. Change the entry in the CMD.LST file to reflect the new name STPCB.PPE. Don't forget to also make the change in any conference-specific CMD.LST files you may be using. ***************** IMPORTANT*************** 5. Change your modem init string in PCBSETUP. If using DTR switching, your modem init string should be ATHZ^M~~~AT&D1 If using Escape Character switching, the string will be ATHZ^M~~~ATS2=xxx where "xxx" is the value of the Escape Character defined in the config file. (See modem S2 register) ********************************************** PCBoard version 15.2 has room for 2 init strings instead of just one, so you could also enter the strings like this: ATHZ AT&D1 -or- ATHZ ATS2=xxx ************ REALLY VERY IMPORTANT! ************ Also note that BOTH versions of the init string have the "H" command in there, instead of just ATZ. The original docs for USRSTATS did not mention the H command. The need for this was discovered during the Beta test of the V.34 Courier. We found that when in &D1 mode, hanging up via the ATZ command did NOT cause a V.42/MNP "Disconnect" command to be sent to the remote modem before the connection was dropped. This resulted in the remote modem having difficulty detecting the loss of carrier under certain situations. Adding the H command forces the modem to make a more "graceful" disconnect by properly sending the DISC command before dropping the line. ************************************************* Which brings us to another issue: PCboard likes to drop a connection by toggling the DTR lead to the modem. That is after all the normal way to do this, but we have been using the &D1 setting to PREVENT dropping the call, and going into on-line command mode instead. The problem is that during certain BBS operations, PCBoard now loses the ability to drop the call when it needs or wants to. (Like when the user wnats to hang up immediately after an upload.) We can remedy most (if not all) of these problems with a couple more small PPE programs that are installed in the PCBTEXT file as replacements for several of the standard PCBoard prompts. Included are PPE replacements for records 55, 166, and 435 of the PCBTEXT file. (Please consult your PCBoard docs if you don't know how to install these.) These small programs simply imitate the action of the original prompt, and then force the modem to drop the call by toggling DTR *and* sending the ATH command. This way, PCBoard regains the control it previously lost when we set the modem to &D1. The PPL source for these programs is included in the archive. So far I have only seen the need for modifying these 3 prompts, but there may be others. You can use the provided source code as an example to create replacements for other records. Of course, now that the program can also use Escape Character switching, you could change to that method to avoid these problems, but be aware of the potential pitfalls in operating a BBS with the escape sequence active. If your user should happen to use the same escape character as your end is set for, YOUR BBS modem will go into command mode when the user is trying to get HIS OWN modem into command mode. The only recovery from this is for the user to drop carrier and call back. (That's why we were using the &D1 method in the first place, remember?) ------------------------------------------------------------------ WHAT THE $%$@!@&*^ ARE ALL THESE NEW OPTIONS FOR? The best way I can explain all these new options is to tell you that they were all implemented on the behalf of ONE user of the program, the USR Customer Support BBS. Here's the story: The USR board has a public main board, conference 0. It also has a variety of public and private conferences, some of which are networked areas. There's also a pair of private local conferences for the Beta Test and Field Trial teams. Each of these groups has different needs, and the earlier versions of the program weren't flexible enough to meet them. Some people complained about having to go through all those stats messages every time they called. Some people called just to read the stats messages. People were capturing stats messages into the echomail areas, aggravating the network moderators. The Beta and Field trial areas needed to be left alone, since the program became a valuable part of the testing process. The requirements came down to the following setup, and the new features allow all of these things to happen, if the setup is done just right: The program can be used from inside any conference, local or echomail, and the message will be saved in the main board area only. This prevents the messages from going out over network mail systems. The messages are always left as 'receiver-only', so other users of the system do not have to look at all those reports. The messages are also COPIED into a new public conference which is devoted only to those messages. This allows users who WANT to see the reports to have full access to them. Additionally, the program may be configured to capture ALL reports, even if the user didn't request a message. This provides the R&D people with TONS of raw data on real-world connections. The messages are automatically set for a 30-day lifespan. Message base packing done during system maintenance removes the old messages without further human intervention. The Beta and Field Trial teams continue to use the program as before, without having the messages leave those private conferences, and without any restrictions on message lifespan or security status. I hope this helps explain what all these new features are about. ------------------------------------------------------------------- That's about all for now. As always, let me know how this works out for you, and please let me know if you have any ideas for improvements or changes. Joe Frankiewicz The Majestik Moose BBS 708-843-2871