The Shell Game PPE by GŽœŽHŽD S™ŸTWŽRδ ABOUT THE SHELL GAME ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ The Shell Game is a PCBoard 15.21+ PPE that recreates the classic shell game. Players wager on which shell they believe the pea is hidden under, with the added possibilities of the Shell Master cheating the player and the police raiding the establishment. It features monthly scoring as well as keeping track of the previous month's high score and the all-time high score in the game. INSTALLING THE SHELL GAME ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ Installing the Shell Game is simple. It can be installed in the CMD.LST to be run from the command line, or from a menu. A typical entry in the CMD.LST would look something like.... COMMAND Sec PPE/MNU File Specification ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ ΝΝΝ ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ SHELL 20 C:\PCB\PPL\SHELGAME.PPE The format for installing it in the .MNU structure would be very similar to the above. If you'd like to install The Shell Game in your doors list, you need to do two things. First, install it as you'd install any other door. Second, you need to create a batch file to run The Shell Game that looks something like this: ECHO !c:\pcb\ppl\shelgame\shelgame.ppe > pcbdoor.txt %PCBDRIVE% cd %PCBDIR% board Two other files, SHELGAME.CFG and SHELGAME.INS (the online instructions) must also reside in the same directory as the PPE. The .CFG file MUST be there for both registered and unregistered versions. This version of The Shell Game creates a few more files than the old version due to the conversion to .DBF files for info storage. It will create the following files: PLAYERS.DBF - The .DBF that scores all the players information PLAYERS1.NDX - PLAYERS2.NDX - The indices for the PLAYERS.DBF FAME.DBF - The .DBF that holds Hall of Fame information REGISTERING THE SHELL GAME ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ I'm a bit amazed at the amount of money some people charge for their PPEs. To "buck the trend", all PPEs from GŽœŽHŽD S™ŸTWŽRδ are VERY reasonably priced. Registering The Shell Game lets you configure quite a few things, including number of plays, starting money, and also allows the use of the make up day feature. See the enclosed REGISTER.TXT for more information. THE LEGAL STUFF ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ Use the Shell Game at your own risk. All I guarantee that the PPE will do is take up some room on your hard works fine on our BBS, but I can't make any guarantees that it will work on yours. The Shell Game is copyright 1995 by GŽœŽHŽD S™ŸTWŽRδ. THANKS TO.... ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ The SysOps that have already registered The Shell Game! I'd also like to thank the programmer(s) at CDC for including source (as usual) with their RIPKIT. Included is source for an online calendar, which is used in a VERY stripped down form in The Shell Game for the make up day feature. AND EXTRA SPECIAL THANKS TO.... ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ wife Becky. The concept for the game was hers, and she did most of the graphics for the game. Luv ya, Becky! AUTHENTICITY ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ All files from GŽœŽHŽD S™ŸTWŽRδ receive an -AV stamp, ensuring that the copies you receive are authentic. If you don't see the -AV information of: Authentic files Verified! # EUB226 Mark Zec ΪΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΏ ³GŽœŽHŽD S™ŸTWŽRδ ³ ³Hare Mail BBS ’σ)* ³ ³(216) 341-6793 ³ ³FidoNet 1:157/422 ³ ΐΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΩ might have received a copy that's been tampered with. I upload the newest versions of all my software to our board, Hare Mail BBS, as well as to Salt Air. If you don't see the above -AV information, you can always download the latest versions from Hare Mail at (216) 341-6793 under our demo account. Log in as GENERIC ACCOUNT with no password, and you'll be able to find the files located in File Directory #9. If you're a Fido node, you can FREQ the files as well. Information on magic names is included in the REGISTER.TXT enclosed with the archive. CONTACTING ME ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ I can be reached for support or just questions via: Internet - Fido - 1:157/422 (Hare Mail BBS) U'NI - Sysops Conference Intelec - PPL Programming Conference (which I moderate), Sysops I can also be reached directly at Hare Mail BBS at 216-341-6793. If you need to contact me via Snail Mail, the mailing address is: Mark Zec 6404 Gertrude Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44105