The Shell Game PPE by GŽœŽHŽD S™ŸTWŽRไ ABOUT THE SHELL GAME ออออออออออออออออออออ The Shell Game is a PCBoard 15.2+ PPE that recreates the classic shell game. Players wager on which shell they believe the pea is hidden under, with the added possibilities of the Shell Master cheating the player and the police raiding the establishment. It features monthly scoring as well as keeping track of the previous month's high score and the all-time high score in the game. The Shell Game creates two files, SHELGAME.DAT and SHELGAME.HOF, the score file and Hall of Fame score file, respectively. INSTALLING THE SHELL GAME อออออออออออออออออออออออออ Installing the Shell Game is simple. It can be installed in the CMD.LST to be run from the command line, or from a menu. A typical entry in the CMD.LST would look something like.... COMMAND Sec PPE/MNU File Specification อออออออ อออ ออออออออออออออออออออออออออ SHELL 20 C:\PCB\PPL\SHELGAME.PPE The unregistered version is run with defaults that are hard-coded into the PPE. The registered version allows you to change the number of plays per day for the players, as well as the ability to change the payoff ratio (the default is to win 3 times your wager if choosing the correct shell, but can be changed to any multiple in the registered version). Otherwise, the unregistered version is completely uncrippled. For the registered version, the command would be something like.... COMMAND Sec PPE/MNU File Specification อออออออ อออ ออออออออออออออออออออออออออ SHELL 20 C:\PCB\PPL\SHELGAME.PPE 20 4 The numbers at after the PPE are configurable by registered sysops. The first number is the number of plays allowed per day, in this case 20 plays per day. The second number is the multiplier for the game, in this case 4. This will determine how much players win in the game (for example, this multiplier would give a player $400 for wagering $100). This second number must be an decimals are allowed for this. Also, both of those parameters *must* be included in the registered version of the game, otherwise both receive a default value of 0. I've also heard that it can be added to the DOORS.LST, but I've never tried that method. REGISTERING THE SHELL GAME ออออออออออออออออออออออออออ I'm always amazed at how much some people charge for their PPEs. As opposed to actual doors, comm routines don't have to be coded since these are running from within the PCBoard environment. But, it's taken quite a bit of coding to put together the Shell Game (as well as a considerable learning process), so I've decided to ask a small fee for the registered version of the game. $5 is all I ask for the registered version, which entitles you to updates of all future versions of the game. Of course, future versions are dependent on how much support the game receives from sysops. If you'd like to register the Shell Game, you can mail a check or money order to: Mark Zec 6404 Gertrude Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44105 As mentioned above, registering entitles you to free upgrades of the Shell Game. You can download your registered versions from Hare Mail BBS at (216)341-6793. After registering on the board, you'll be able to download your registered version on the first call. I can be contacted in the PCB support forum....we carry both U'NI and Intelec on our board, and receive the conference in both networks, so I'll be sure to get any message you might send me. Please fill out the REGISTER.TXT form included in the ZIP file for more information. THE LEGAL STUFF อออออออออออออออ Use the Shell Game at your own risk. All I guarantee that the PPE will do is take up some room on your hard works fine on our BBS, but I can't make any guarantees that it will work on yours. The Shell Game is copyright 1995 by GŽœŽHŽD S™ŸTWŽRไ. AND EXTRA SPECIAL THANKS TO.... อออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออ wife Becky. The concept for the game was hers, and she did most of the graphics for the game. Luv ya, Becky!