The UltiWares SCRIPT PPE For PCBoard v15.21+ ÚÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ÚÄÄÄÙ ³ ÚÄ¿ ³ ³ ÚÄÄ¿ ³ À¿ ÚÙ ³ ÚÄ¿ ³ ÀÄ¿ ÚÄÙ ³ ÀÄÄÄ¿ ³ ³ ÀÄÙ ³ ÀÄÄÙ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÙ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄ¿ ³ ³ ³ ÚÄ¿ ³ ÚÄ¿ ÚÙ ³ ³ ³ ÚÄÄÄÙ ³ ³ ÚÄÄÄÙ ³ ³ ÀÄÙ ³ ³ ³ ³ À¿ ÚÙ À¿ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÀÄÙ ÀÄÄÙ ÀÄÄÄÙ ÀÄÙ ÀÄÙ Version 1.0 An UltiWares(c)1995 Release Release Info: Compiled On May 6, 1995 Written By : Niels Damgaard Compiler : PPLC v3.10 ** This version works with PCBoard 15.21 and above ONLY! ** Introduction ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ SCRIPT ppe was written to give the PCBoard Sysops an alternative to the built in script system. I hope this initial release fits into your BBS and helps you in the day-to-day running of your system. This PPE has some powerful features so please take a few minutes to read the following instructions. I hate writing these docs so I hope you at least take the time to read them ;) SCRIPT System Files And Their Uses ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ SCRIPT.PPE This is the main executable PPE *. The INTRO Display File For This SCRIPT Questionnaire *.CFG Your questionnaires configuration file Check out this file. It's self explanatory *.QWS The actual questions you want to ask. Follow the exact format. You may have up to 50 questions in each questionnaire. *.RUN PCBoard text file that is read after the Questionnaire. This file works like any other PCBoard display file. IE: you can run PPEs, display files or display text. *.ANS The answer file The *.CFG and *.QWS files are mandatory. The *.RUN file is optional. The system creates the *.ANS file for you automatically. Of course you replace the * with the name of the script you are creating. Installation ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ SCRIPT can be run as a stand alone command from your CMD.lst file or as a SCRIPT as in your NEW USER LOGON sequence. There are differences in these two methods of running your SCRIPT that I am going to try and explain now. METHOD #1 (Run The Script As A New Command From Your CMD.LST File) This is an example of your CMD.LST File! *** Line 26 Is The Example On My BBS ***************************************** ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º File Locations º º º º Command Security PPE/MNU File -or- Keystroke Replacement º º ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ  º 13) MAIL 20 QMAIL4 ± º 14) REGISTER 10 E:\PCB\PPE\SUBS\SUBS.PPE ± º 15) CALLS 30 E:\PCB\PPE\CALLERS\CALLERS.PPE ± º 16) ALLFILES 20 E:\PCB\PPE\CMFL\CMFL.PPE ± º 17) FILELIST 20 E:\PCB\PPE\CMFL\CMFL.PPE ± º 18) MENUS 0 LANG ± º 19) QWK 30 QWK ± º 20) PREDIR 110 \PCB\PPE\DIRLIST\PREDIR.PPE ± º 21) DIR 110 \PCB\PPE\DIRLIST\DIRLIST.PPE CONF0.CFG ± º 22) DIRS 110 E:\PCB\PPE\DIRS\DIRS.PPE ± º 23) R 0 E:\PCB\PPE\READ\READ.PPE ± º 24) N 0 E:\PCB\PPE\NEW\NEW.PPE ± º 25) KEYS 35 E:\PCB\PPE\KEYS\KEYS.PPE ± º 26) SCRIPT 0 E:\PCB\PPE\SCRIPT\SCRIPT.PPE SYSOPS ± º 27) CNAMES 110 E:\PCB\PPE\KEYS\CNAMES.PPE ± º ± º ± º  º ESC=Exit Alt-R=Repeat a Line Alt-I=Insert a Line Alt-D=Delete a Line º ÈÍÍ 19:11:59 ÍÍÍ 04-25-94 ÍÍÍÍÍÍ F1 Í help ÍÍÍÍ caps: OFF num: OFF ins: OFF ͼ Line #26 would add a command to your BBS that would run the SCRIPT ppe and execute the SCRIPT questionfile called SYSOPS. Next edit the SYSOPS.CFG and SYSOPS.QWS file and the SCRIPT is ready to run. METHOD #2 (RUN the SCRIPT as a PCBoard Script IE: Logon Questionnaire) Copy the file SRUN.PPE to the same name as your SCRIPT in the example above you would copy it to SYSOPS.PPE, for a new user questionnaire where your *.CFG, *.QWS and *.RUN files were called NEWUSER.CFG, NEWUSER.QWS and NEWUSER.RUN you would copy the SRUN.PPE to NEWUSER.PPE. You would then add the full path to the NEWUSER.PPE to your PCBoard configuration for the script. And That's It! You're Done *.QWS File Commands Explanation ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ;Question Number 1 ; Semicolon denotes a comment line STARTQUESTION-1 Begin a new question QUESTION= Add your question here HELPLINE= (optional) help prompt line BRANCHIF= (optional) if this answer, ask the next question and/or execute a command BRANCHQUESTION= (optional) Additional question BRANCHACTION= (optional) command to execute ENDQUESTION-1 End the question ; Further explanation of the BRANCHACTION command: With this command you can have the script do a specific action based on the answer of the 'QUESTION=' line. Run a PPE BRANCHACTION=f:\pcb\ppe\bbs\bbslist.ppe Execute a PCB command BRANCHACTION=N U S Ask user to enter 5 line comment BRANCHACTION=COMMENT Raise Users Security Level BRANCHACTION=SEC 50;00-00-00;25;UPGRADE ________________________________________/ / / / | / / / Raise Secutiry Level To This Level / / / _________________________________________/ / / | / / Set Expire Date To This Date / / _________________________________________/ / | / Set Expire Security Level To This Level / ________________________________________/ | Display This File To The Caller Experiment! You might like what you see! Support ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Support is available these ways: The Mohave Desert BBS (604)388-5273 Netmail me at 1:340/ Internet : All PCBoard sysops that mention this PPE get a FREE account on the support BBS. We have thousands of PCBoard files online! Please send me your feedback and advise on bugs and future enhancements! P.S. This sucker is FREEWARE! Niels Damgaard