April 30, 1994 Midnight Programmers' Quote of the Day 1.9.1 -------------------------------------------- Disclaimer ---------- I bear no responsibilities for any unintentional mischief caused by this humble program on your system. If on some very remote chance that use of QOTD.EXE or QOTD.PPE scrambles your computer, you are on your own with my humblest apologies. The programs were compiled using Borland C++ version 3.1 and Clark Developement's PPLC compiler version 2.0 and has been tested on Novell networks and PCBoard 15.1 using various 8086, 80286, 80386, 80486 (including DX/2 chips) systems running from 4.77 to 66 mhz. (It hasn't been tested on a Pentium yet, care to donate one? ) Now that the nasty part is over with, here is the important stuff... Program Files ------------- QOTD.EXE .... Program that displays the quote and generates the PTR file. QOTD.PPE .... Program to display quotes from inside PCBoard 15.1. QUOTE.PTR ... The binary pointer file for QOTD to read the data file from. Note: This file is no longer included in the archive but will be created the first time QOTD.EXE is run. QUOTE.DAT ... ASCII text sequential file containing quotes. QUOTE.BAT ... A small batch file to reset Hercules screens that don't. QOTD.DOC .... Full documentation file of rantings and other stuff. SYSOP.DOC ... This file, simular to the QOTD.DOC file but information only appropriate to PCBoard 15.1 BBS operation. Revisions (See QOTD.DOC for full revision listing) -------------------------------------------------- 1.9.1 April 30, 1994 Compiled using Clark Developement PPLC 2.0 Added a PCBoard 15.1 PPE program to display quotes on a PCBoard 15.1 BBS. Sorry, this is only for PCBoard BBS systems. Also, I fixed a bunch of typo's and added a couple more quotes. History ------- See QOTD.DOC for more information Functionality ------------- This program has not been crippled in any way, shape or form. There is no bonus for registering this program, except a warm fuzzy feeling of doing a good deed. The source will not be distributed with this program. PC Board 15.1 Installation -------------------------- Installing this PPE is very simple. Copy ALL the files to a separate subdirectory. This PPE does not create the QUOTE.PTR file, this must be done through QOTD.EXE. YOU MUST CREATE THE QUOTE.PTR FILE _BEFORE_ you try to run QOTD.PPE. The QOTD.PPE has no command line parameters or switches. The only thing that it will do is display a single, randomly chosen entry from the QUOTE.DAT file. If you get an error or incomplete quotes, try running "QOTD /P" to generate the PTR file. Once the QUOTE.PTR has be generated, add this this line to your CMD.LST QOTD 0 C:\QOTD\QOTD.PPE Type in QOTD at the PCB command prompt to read a randomly selected quote. Formatting Quotes ---------------- Please notice that each line begins with a "`" (left hand single quote), new paragraphs are delimited by a "|" (pipe character) and that all credits are prefixed by "'| - " (single quote,pipe,2 spaces,dash,space). This way everything gets formatted properly when it gets printed out to the screen. Make sure that the total quote (with credit) is under 1300 characters long. Lastly - The Begging! --------------------- This baby is LetterWare to noncommercial BBS users. Please drop me line in E-mail or snail mail if you use this program. I'm curious as to how far this program gets distributed. No remuneration is required, but if you feel the desire compensate me for my time, I'll not refuse any monetary donations. A token $5.00 - $10.00 contribution to my entertainment fund ought to cover it (it'll help pay for my BBS hardware, program registrations, B-grade ScFi video rentals) and will also get you a peek at the source code if you so desire. If this program is in use in a commercial setting or on a network please send in $10.00. If you are making money off it, spread some around to the people that spent the time and effort to write it, eh? That's what ShareWare is all about. Address: Midnight Programmers 1589 Waterdown Road, Burlington, Ontario, Canada, L7R 3X5 BBS: The GameBoard BBS (905) 689-3982 300-14400 v.32bis City-2-City Network member InterNet mcollis@dqc.dofasco.ca